2008-04-29 08:57:10 UTC
Some incites insights into the "Highlander" plot...
There can be only one.
Too many puppies...
The life of a slime-drow in Sanctuary. :D
Pup rolling with his dogs.
Poor Team Good. :(
Finger-lickin' good!
A romantic shot for SaRF.
Wish I had more good ones!
Kuo-Toa Killer
2008-04-29 19:18:48 UTC
Wow, pretty sweet pictures. What was this highlander plot? It looks awesome.
2008-04-29 23:13:03 UTC
Nice shots, Pup! It brought back nice memories, seeing the prelude one. 8)
2008-04-30 01:35:31 UTC
Oldies but goodies!
I wish I was a slime drow :(
2008-05-01 02:02:50 UTC
Good times. Hanging in the sewers, saying 'Rivvil' a lot.
Dr Dragon
2008-07-09 11:55:54 UTC
I wish I was a Slime Drow to. ):