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A Visual Tour of my Addiction

Some incites insights into the "Highlander" plot...

There can be only one.

Too many puppies...

The life of a slime-drow in Sanctuary. :D

Pup rolling with his dogs.

Poor Team Good. :(

Finger-lickin' good!

A romantic shot for SaRF.

Wish I had more good ones!

Nice screenies Pup

Wow, pretty sweet pictures. What was this highlander plot? It looks awesome.

Nice shots, Pup! It brought back nice memories, seeing the prelude one. 8)

Oldies but goodies!

I wish I was a slime drow :(

Good times. Hanging in the sewers, saying 'Rivvil' a lot.


I wish I was a Slime Drow to. ):