Rimferrin was a total blast to play. I enjoyed being rude, and throwing complete asshole tantrums on people. He made friends, but those were few. Those who knew him long enough, grew to hate him, or just not like him. Either way, Pissing people off was a thing Rimferrin did well.
From his ingenious goals, and illdevised methods (Lol fighting agents in the stand) He wasn't the greatest at doing the right thing at the right time, and That's why I loved him. He wasn't the big hero, he wasn't the big villain. he was just a really talented guy who always fucked himself over with bad decisions.
Firstly I need to thank RwG. I made this character as a throwaway because nobody was answering your quartermaster letters. But plotting with Elapidae was some seriously fun shit, and I'll miss it.
Secondly, Johannes. The alchemy scripts are amazing, and it got me hooked as soon as I figured out the first recipe. All In all, I figured out fourteen Alchemic recipes. This system is amazing, keep up the good work.
Sabah, Arkaman, Semaj, Whoever else kep killing my plants. You guys kept me on my toes, always forcing me to find a new spot(S) to avoid your stubby overharvesting fingers.
Rindle, Toman, Myria, Goddard. Plotting with the seekers was fun as hell, and I'll never forget how cool we all looked walking through the 'dark.
Everybody else... For making me rich during my time as a merchant. I tip my hat to you for adding to my short lived wealth.
This character was created on Wednesday, March 5th at 05:04:52 PM. Since creation, this character has logged on and off 210 times. The character has spent 9 days, 23 hours, 56 minutes, and 0 seconds online.
And without further Ado.. SCREENSHOTS!
My favourite DM quest. Actually, the only DM quest Rimferrin ever got, aside from the Defending of the canal gate VS Behemoth spider.
Rimferrin lurned the hard way why you should not attack wildlife wandering the city.
Rimferrin's low wisdom caused him to use this in a fight he never intended to win. The result; quite unexpectedly; (subdual) The Lesson? :Gnomish Merchants are incredibly foolish, and not to be taken lightly.
Rimferrin, getting his game on with the locals gnomish maids. In this screenshot, he had just summoned a ball of light, to demonstrate what a blessed chalice he just gave the lass could do, and went on a rant.
Dark emotes. I enjoyed emoting sick and disturbing things with that mastiff. Good times, Good times. It got to gnaw on a few people's legs, though :D
During this particular quest, his polymorph ended up dying on him, yet he managed to tank the entire quest. He really hated them urdlen, and was sure to crush each skull before pressing on.
Sticking it to the spellguard, anytime, anyplace! This took place shortly after the Draught of transformation bit.