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On the Topic of the Hoarran Slaughter.

Councilor Goldbrick is seen leaving his chambers briefly to address the Hoaran Slaughter in Lower Sanctuary.


What you have seen is no act of depravity, no act of injustice, nor any act of evil which saw these brave men and women vanquished from the planes of the living.

What we have seen is nature taking its course in Lower Sanctuary. They have shunned us for years, given us the high hat, the snide looks, the rebellious attitude, and this is what they deserve.

I will not shed any tears for those of you that perish in Lower Sanctuary. It may sound morbid, even disgusting for a man elected to speak for the people to talk as he does now, but compassion is not afforded to those that turn their noses up when offered a chance to be defended by our walls, our brave Watchmen and Spellguard, and by our moral authority.

The Council will not seek retribution for these deaths that occurred by the hands of Montezzi in Lower. It shall hope that these men keep their word and do not take their violence outside of the Sanctuary Below, but rest assured it is preparing for the worst should this self proclaimed Prince ever turn his gaze above.

In short,

We shall hope for the best, and prepare for the worst.

Gods keep you safe, Sanctuary.

The obese slug crawling Councilor speaks the rest of his words loudly and wobbles back down towards his private chambers, several parchments in hand.