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Emotes 2.0!

The emote system is great as is, using the format

/o e dance /o e beg /o e bow

...and such, but an even more useful system would be if emotes could be parsed directly from text, as in:

Do you want to dance? *dance* (or depending on the strength of the parsing script, *dances* or *dances with the kobold*)

*begs* Please sir, can I have some more?

My lady. *bow*

I assume its technically possible, since *roll bluff check* is parsed appropriately, and that implementation is just a matter of time. Consider this a hearty encouragement.

I have no idea how hard this would be to implement, but I love it.

Having your character behave according to your typed emotes would be a very nice feature.

I believe it would be possible, but would require a lot of coding. Arkov is the expert however, so I'll defer to him on this. I hope he doesn't do it soon though to be honest, he has a couple other really cool things I hope he finishes first.

It's not actually too hard, and will be done as soon as its priority merits.

To avoid having it be incredibly irritating, it will respond only to very very specific emotes, so it won't be having you playing the "reading a scroll" animation when you type *reads the signpost*.

I agree the wording of each emote would need to be explicit, but as long as it fits the resulting action, I don't see any problem.

I'm a fair typist, but coming from a person who does a lot of emoting, this will be a very good thing when it can be implemented.

I think there are scripts available on the vault to do this. I've definitely seen it done before.

I agree this would be an excellent feature to see included and would free up quickslots that are currently devoted to emotes.

Regards Nestek


As this requires the scripts to do a little more work parsing through everything that you emote, it has been enabled but is optional -- you will have to activate it if you want to use it.

To activate it, type "/o c toggle parse_emotes". It should say "Parse Emotes : turned on". Once this is done, your emotes should be parsed automatically.

To ensure that it's not too irritating, it requires a fairly strict format. I will have a list of all of the emotes that it will recognize prepared soon; for now, you can experiment.

(this is in the module as of the time of this post)