A simple yet large poster, entitled "TIDES OF WAR", with large, blocky lettering - it has been written by a professional scribe. It is tacked on the
The tides of war ebb and flow, here as anywhere else, but in the Dark Below, they do not rage as above, in the Lands of the Sun, where their wrath is at best intermittent. Down here, every tide brings a storm. No floodgate or dam can stop them. War is everywhere. It is inevitable. Only those who are prepared deserve to survive it.
The Prince Rinaldo Montezzi, for all the impositions that he has made, has offered Lower Sanctuary the chance to glimpse at a future when the people there can do more than simply wait for the cold chill of the Dark to claim them. One way or another, Montezzi brings another flow of the tide - a man who could sit, waiting for his death in the gutters of Lower Sanctuary must now make a choice. He will either fight for, or he will fight against, but he will fight nonetheless. For this, the Lord Montezzi has been blessed by Tempus. Indeed, he has offered unto the Lord of All Battles an oath, that he shall not dull the sword of his conquest after he has acquired enough to comfort himself with. No, he shall ride to the very ends of the Earth Below, and the Lord shall ride with him. For these and other reasons, I, Moritach of Tempus have come to these realizations:
It is clear that the "Low Way Gate", previously defended by gnolls, is in ruins, abandoned and unmanned.It is clear that the land that the Prince claims for himself has an open flank here, and it is clear that this flank must be defended if his rule is to continue.
It is clear that above all others, it is Tempus who blesses those who would hone their swords, drill for battle and wait with cold iron in their hearts, for the assaults that will surely come.
It is clear that the gate must be repaired, permanently defended and its wall refurbished with appropriate defenses.
It is clear that the duty of defending this gate transcends the quarrels over the opinions of mere mortals on the Prince Montezzi, Lower Sanctuary's situation and other such trivial issues.
It is clear that leaving this gate abandoned is to invite disaster in the form of an overwhelming assault. The Lord teaches us to prepare for war, and to never leave openings to our enemies. The state of this gate is, thus, an affront to the Lord Tempus, and must be remedied at once. Finally, it is clear that only men and women of the Lord, under direct guidance of His faithful, can garrison this gate.
As such,
I, Moritach of Tempus, am hereby issuing a call to all men and women-at-arms of this city and its environs. All who care to see this gate garrisoned, all who care to enjoy the only true brotherhood that there is among mortals - that of brothers-in-arms, all who care to defend the city or slaughter its enemies by the dozens, come to me.
I shall require, first and foremost, men-at-arms as my garrison. If you lack training, it shall be provided. Blessings of Tempus shall be provided once you have sworn your oath unto Him to protect the gate with your life. Weapons and armor, in the colors of THE PHALANX will be provided.
A cadre of brothers, bound together by the strongest bond of all - comradeship in war. The Phalanx are elite warriors, sworn to Tempus and to the Lord Montezzi while he follows the oath that he has sworn unto Tempus. We fight as one. We do not break rank. Our uniforms are identical and kept to the point of perfection. We do not speak in combat. We do not speak out of turn. We do not yield to any - Tempus rides with us always. We do not accept defeat.
If you wish to serve not a master, not a city, but a family of warriors, brought together under the banner of the Lord Tempus, write to Moritach of Tempus, at the Pissing Crone, state your name, your intent and your skills. Once you have proven yourself, an uniform will be provided; The armor of your choice, in the colors of The Phalanx. A helmet will be provided. Arms and shield will be provided. Blessings will be provided. With Tempus by his side, a true warrior never lacks for anything.