Dr Dragon
2008-04-20 07:30:16 UTC
Yes kill them all rape the women kill the innocent make them your slaves take your coins devour them.
That is dumb and follish we have not the rescource or power to that and would die.
Acquire the power and then go on a never ending killing spree murder all you see kill the humans elves slice the beards of those dwarves.
I plan to learn what I need to do and do as I see fit Greklstein your mad ramblings are nothing.
Grelpet you are a disgrace to all orc kind and I would kill you if we wherent the same person. Your area coward and an idiot whod be friends with humans elves and all these lesser races. I hate you and would kill you. You are a disgrace no matter how smart your plans are. I dont give a damn about what your research as long as their will be blood.
Their will be blood.
Dr Dragon
2008-04-20 16:21:49 UTC
Hypothesis a priestess would betray her own deity to survive.
Subject weak resiliance took a short time to get an apropriate answer. Subject wont betray her own god for her life or to avoid great pain. Subject eats heart when told it is the fate of their life.
*later it is written in blood*
Subject turns table with help of god. Suspect wouldnt blasphemise her deity for life. Subject has me in the down now.
Subject offers unique partnership oprutunity.
Resaerch Failed
this one wouldnt betray her own godess if she was told to blastphemise her or die. Her deity clearly blesses follows whod rather die than blasphemise the die.
When testing a priest in their own domain finish them do not stall for their deity to intervene.
Clearly priests have the zeal to look death strait in the eye without blinking once.
Hypotehsis Failure