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Public Reminder To All Citizens From Councilor Goldbrick

Lower Sanctuary is NOT protected by our laws and officers.

Lower Sanctuary IS a place of chaos and murder.

Lower Sanctuary was abandoned by our government for a reason; it attracts only the lowest forms of life, that abide by the most cruel and crude emotions. Fear, murder, chaos, and death are what one can expect when he or she travels away from Sanctuary's soil.

When the Montezzi Family moves on, when I perish, when the next gang moves in, it will be the same as it has always been, so, I simply state this to urge everyone that hears and sees it; to stay out of Lower Sanctuary. To travel below is to invite misfortune and suffering into your life.

Leave these sociopathic murdering filth to themselves, and stay here where it is safe.

G. Goldbrick