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Deity Based Special items

Heres some ideas for d.m given only special holy symbols or the likes for Cleric, Paladins or Followers of certain deities that have done something significant to uphold their deities dogma. (like completed a special quest etc)

They're all items that are only usable ONCE per rest(day).

The script checks to see if you have the RIGHT deity in the field for the given item , and if you do the ability will function like a spell.

This list is just a sample, I tried not to repeat any spells across different deities.

They're nearly all level 1-3 spells ( a few are level 4 spells) that will need to be cast probably as if the caster were a level 5 ability.

Akadi(N) Gust of Wind Chauntea (NG) Vine Mine Cyric (CE) Cloud of Bewilderment Grumbar (LN) Clarity Istishia (N) Cure Disease Kelemvor (LN) Bless Weapon Kossuth(LN) Combust Lathander (NG) Aura of Glory Mystra (NG) Dispel Magic Oghma (N) Legend Lore Shar (NE) Darkness Silvanus (N) Barkskin Sune (CG) Charm Person/Animal Talos (CE) Gedlee's Electric Loop Tempus (CN) Prayer Tyr (LG) Invisibility Purge Bane (LE) Fear (or scare) Beshaba (CE) Bestow Curse Gond (N) Enchant Weapon Helm (LN) True Seeing (or see invisible) Ilmater (LG) Bear's Endurance Mielikki (NG) Dominate Animal Selune (CG) Ultravision Tymora (CG) Remove Curse Umberlee (CE) Stinking Cloud Auril (NE) Ice Dagger (cast as level 5 wiz) Azuth (LN) Lesser Spell Breach Deneir (NG) Glyph of Warding Eldath (NG) Restoration Lliira (CG) Freedom Of Movement Loviatar (LE) Inflict Moderate Wounds Malar (CE) Blood Fury Mask (NE) Invisibility Milil (NG) Sound Blast Shaundakul (CN) Haste Talona (CE) Poison Torm (LG) Protection From Evil 10'Radius Waukeen (N) Eagle's Splendor Finder Wyvernspur (CN) Colour Spray Garagos (CN) Divine Favor Gargauth(LE) Shelgarn's Blade Gwaeron Windstrom (N) See Invisibility Hoar (LN) Death Armor Jergal (LN) Death Ward Red Knight (N) Fox's Cunning Savras (LN) True Strike Sharess <bast>(CG) Cat's Grace Shiallia (NG) Hold Animal Siamorphe (LN) Slow Uthgar (N) Summon Animal III Valkur (CG) Resist Elements Velsharoon (NE) Ghoul Touch Corellon Larethian (CG) Blade Thirst Aerdrie Faenya (CG) Entropic Shield Deep Sashelas (CG) Neutralise Poison Solonor Thelandira (CG) Melf's Acid Arrow Shevarash (CN) Flame Arrow Erevan Ilesere (CN) Polymorph Self Fenmarel Mestarine (CN) One with the Land Hanali Celanil (NG) Charm Person Labelas Enoreth (CG) Clairaudience/Clairvoyance Sehanine Moonbow (CG) Remove Blindness/Deafness Rillifane Rallathil (CG) Spike Growth Lolth (CE) Web Eilistraee (CG) Keen Edge Kiaransalee (LE) Vampiric Touch Ghaunadaur (CN) Contagion Vhaerun (CE) Blindness/Deafness Moradin (LG) Greater Magical Weapon Berronar Truesilver (LG) Negative Energy Protection Clangeddin SilverBeard (LG) Bless Dugmaren Brightmantle (NG) Dismissal Dumathoin (NG) Owl's Wisdom Gorm Gultyn (LG) Iron Guts Haela Brightaxe (N) Shield of Faith Marthammor Duin (NG) Lightning Bolt Thard Harr (CG) Quill Fire Sharindlar (CG) Flame Lash Vergadain (CN) Silence Abbathor (NE) Bestow Curse Ladugeur (LE) Ray of Enfeeblement Deep Duerra (LE) Hold Person Diirinka (NE) Enervation Diinkarazan (CE) Confusion Yondalla (LG) Sanctuary Arvoreen (LG) Find Traps Brandobaris (N) Knock Cyrrollalee (LG) Aid Sheela Peryroyal (N) Continual Flame Urogalan (LN) Magical Vestment Garl Glittergold (LG) Tasha's Laughter Baervan Wildwanderer (NG) Mass Camoflague Baravar Cloakshadow (NG) Ghostly Visage Flandal Steelskin (NG) Remove Curse Gaerdal Ironhand (LG) Shield Segojan Earthcaller (N) Summon Animal II Urdlen (CE) Doom Calladuran Smoothhands (N) Displacement Gruumsh(CE) War Cry Bahgtru(CE) Bull's Strength Ilneval (LE) Bane Luthic (NE) Healing Sting Shargaas (CE) Grease Yurtrus(NE) Infestation of Maggots

(p.s. this system could be extended to replace the entire domain spell system )

Diirinka (NE) Enervation Diinkarazan (CE) Confusion

Who are those, just curiously asking? didn't read anywhere about those.

Anwyay, I like the idea - but I doubt the DMs will want to focus on it anytimes soon instead of adding more 'goodies', plus I have absolutely no idea if you could code something like this easily or at all.

They're derro deities... their is info on google about them they're mostly 2nd edition but they can be brought into 3rd no problem. They're an underdark based evil mutated dwarven race that were thrown out of the mordinsammen like Laduguer was.

It's not a bad story about how they came about it's on various spots of the web.

Anything that gives me more options and an interesting theme I'd like :D

Making Clerics more powerful is a bad idea, and in many occasions isn't well liked. Like I have said on previous occasions: They're freaking powerhouses, do not make them stronger! Besides, the skills you noted: Freedom of Freaking Movement? Why don't we just give Velsharoonites Create Greater Undead, so they can summon level 18 Liches, if we're on that tour :shock:.

I've actually added a lot of religious items into my loot vault recently. I'm not a fan of 1/day spell items, just due to how powerful that really is, especially with level 3 and 4 spells.

However here are some comments:

I've been adding items specific to a great number of gods. So that should sort of cover this, even though it isn't exact.

Making items check the diety field isn't trivial at all. Basically, that list of items you just gave either requires a special script for each item, or requires us to give them all the same tag, and then set local variables on the items to make them work. (It is worth noting that merchants wipe all variables, so if stuff is allowed to be bought and sold to merchants, they would break.) A third option would be changing a lot of base item code. Moral of the story is these would be a lot of work for little benefit no matter which direction we took. We instead do a lot of class and alignment restrictions on religious items. Much more workable within the system.