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Thanks DM

Once in a while, this topic comes up, so here goes again.

I can't help but to marvel at the speed with queries, requests and whatnot, the involvement, and the entertainement given by the DMs on this server.


I'm wary and suspicious of the DMs here, as they seem too good to be true. Its downright sinister.

Starting with the first spice I had - when the Seer quest developed a paladin ghost spouting dire warnings and other stuff - to the last encounter I had, which was the Scholars dragon quest (and its true, they really do throw the most hair - raising, gut-churning, ass-clenching spice at the characters they like) they have all been dangerous yet winnable and entertaining.

I distinctly remember a Drow Deathsinger chanting mocking little rhymes as she dished out the pain. Touches like these are great.

I've been in two party wipes where a DM went out of their way to provide a way out, even though they have no obligation to do that.

Everytime I was talked to for something they didn't like to see in their server, it was smooth and to the point - without snide or mean undertones.

Disagreements with the DM team seems to be allowed on the forums, appreciate this as it is much better to be allowed to discuss something then simply get deleted or banned if disagree.

I feel terribly nauseous because of this disgusting, brown-nosing post I've written and I think I need to vomit now - but I wanted to add my 2 cents here.

The DMs here deserve a life time amount of <3 shaped cookies.