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Razzle the Gobsinga!

Without a doubt my longest-lived and most enjoyable character. I figured out how to take screenshots about halfway through his life, and even then I never managed a screen at his best moments.

He did become quite intimately acquainted with Lower, and sometimes helped stir up the joint.

It's not a very clean place, don't drink the water.

Sometimes a goblin finds himself in weird places. This must have been a wrong turn. (When he died I was 150 xp from a ranger level.)

As an artist, Razzle had many fans.

Dodging Seekers is not easy. This is one of his close calls. The ones that were closer I didn't get screens of, as I was too busy running.

Wish I had more screenies. Thanks to all who played with him!

looked like an adventurous character! wish I'd gotten a chance to smite him!

I made a screenie!

Only just met him last night, and was an adorable gobbo :wink: Well played, loved your 'bluesy' tunes dear!

I should of gutted him when I had the chance. Had him pinned in the Crone, hoping he'd answer a few questions. Wish Hug didn't pop in, 'cause I might of killed Razzle.

And no, it is NOT easy to evade Seekers. Hence their name, the Seekers.

Great character all the way.

Awwww man, I'm really sorry about that, he was really funny...