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Wares for sale!

Please do not write to me if you see something you want on the list, rather, just seek me out in person so I am not flooded with mail.


RED = HOT item. BLUE = Special item.


Moradin's Pride (Belt, +3 saves vs. fear/death, Bulls Strength (3) 1/day, +2 intimidate; Used by DWARF only.) - 10,000 coins

Fullplate Armor (Three styles available) - 1500 coins

Netheril Stone (1 charge, Stone to Flesh) - 500 coins.


Arcane Wands

Cure Minor Wounds - 100 coins Flare - 100 coins Acid Splash - 100 coins Electric Jolt - 100 coins

Amplify - 700 coins Protection from Good/Evil - 700 coins Magic Weapon - 700 coins Mage Armor - 700 coins

Bull's Strength - 1200 coins Ghostly Visage - 1200 coins See Invsibility - 1200 coins Invisibility - 1200 coins

Haste - 3250 coins Cure Serious Wounds - 700 coins



Blessed Ring (3 charges of Bless Weapon, Good Only) - 300 coins Pure Ring (2 charges Remove Disease) - 150 coins Slimy Ring (+1 saves vs acid/disease) - 50 coins Strong Stomach Ring (+1 saves vs. disease) (x2) - 25 coins Ranger's Ring (Bonus Spell Slot 1, Ranger Only) - 300 coins Useful Ring (+1 saves vs. disease/poison, light 5/day) 100 coins



Ranger's Belt (+1 Move Silently, +1 saves Dis/Poison, Ranger Only) (x4) - 250 coins Performer's Belt (+1 bluff, +3 perform) (x3) - 100 coins Barbarian's Belt (+1 saves vs. disease/fear/poison, +1 tumble, Barbarian Only) (x2) - 150 coins Fighter's Belt (+1 saves vs disease/poison, +1 discipline) (x2) - 100 coins Virtuous Belt (+1 saves vs. fear/divine, 5 charges of virtue, Good only) - 50 coins

-- Cloaks

Fancy Svirfneblin Cloak (+1 saves vs. electricty/fire/cold) - 100 coins Lizard Battling Cloak (+2 AC vs Halflings / Goblinoids) - 100 coins Rogue's Cloak (+2 hide, +1 bluff, +1 tumble, Rogue only) (x2) - 200 coins Rattish Cloak (+2 hide, +1 AC vs. animals, +2 animal empathy, +1 bluff) - 200 coins



Undermask (+1 bluff, +1 concentration) (x3) - 100 coins Dragon Mask (1 charge dragon breath) - 50 coins Lesser Explorer's Mask (+1 spot/search, 4 charges Ultravision) - 150 coins Drow Helm (+1 mind saves, +1 intimidate, +1 concetration, -3 poison) - 250 coins Goblin Goggles (+1 concentration, search, spot, listen) - 150 coins Welder's Helm (+4 vs electrical, -2 listen, +1 concentration) - 100 coins Regal Gnomish Crown (+2 spellcraft, craft trap, concentration, -2 pers/intimidate) - 150 coins



Locksmith's Gloves (+3 Open Lock) - 200 coins Rat Taming Gauntlets (+3 animal empathy, Summon Creature 1/2/3, one charge left) (x2) - 150 coins Gauntlets of the Peaceful Mind (+1 will, +1 cold dmg vs. chaotic, +1 blodgeoning damage, lawful only) - 700 coins



Beshaban Amulet (+1 AC, -1 universal saves) (x3) - 100 coins Weapon Charm (Magic Weapon, One Charge) (x2) - 50 coins Protective Amulet (+2 AC, -4 will) - 600 coins Amulet of Bravery (+2 saves vs. fear) (x2) - 200 coins Drinking Amulet (4 charges of Ironguts) (x2) - 50 coins Charming Amulet (9 charges of Charm Person) - 150 coins



Sneaky Kobold Boots (+2 hide) - 250 coins Stinky Goblin Boots (+1 reflex, +3 saves vs. disease) - 200 coins Performer's Boots (+1 reflex, +1 tumble, +2 perform) - 200 coins



Moderate Dueling Rapier (+5 Parry) (x5) - 150 coins Sneakers Kukri (+1 hide/move silent) - 150 coins Human Hating Blade (+1 ab vs. humans, +1d4 damage vs humans) - 200 coins Filthy Goblin Dagger (+1d8 massive crits, on hit DC 14 Burrow Maggots) - 150 coins Charged Dagger (+1 electric damage, 25% electric vulnerability) - 150 coins Goblin Blade (+1 Deflection AC, +1 saves vs. disease) (x2) - 200 coins Tumbler's Club (+5 Tumble) - 150 coins Goblin Slaver's Whip - (+1d8 massive crits, On Hit: Slow 25% DC 14, +2 intimidate) - 300 coins Holy Sling (+1 AB vs Undead, +1 AC vs. Undead, +1 saves vs. Death, +3 saves vs. Negative Energy, Good only) - 150 coins Lucky Axe (+1d6 massive crits, +1 saves vs. fear) - 250 coins Superior Shortsword (+1d6 massive crits) - 150 coins Defensive Double-Sword (+1 AC, +1 massive criticals) - 300 gold Defensive Spear (+1 AC, +1 massive criticals) - 300 gold


Odds and Ends

Simple Enchanting Charm (1 charge Magic Weapon) - 50 coins Rod Of Terror (1 Charge Fear) - 50 coins Zerelde's Sock (10 charges Scare) - 100 coins Rotting Head (1 charge Feeblemind) - 100 coins Goblin Pan Pipes (Summon Creature 2 1/day) (x2) - 200 coins Book Of The Rogue (1 charge Undeath to Death, 1 charge Crumble) - 300 coins Dancing Lyre (1 charge Remove Paralysis) - 75 coins Minor Rod of Wonder (1 Charge; Rod Of Wonder) - 150 coins Negative Inflicting Crystal (15 charges Inflict Minor Wounds) - 50 coins Ear Trumpet (3 charges Amplify) - 150 coins Whetstone (3 charges, +1 damage to weapon) - 75 coins Goblin Ear Charm (1 charge Melf's Acid Arrow) - 30 coins Amethystine Essence - 50 coins



20 Svirfneblin Crumbler Bolts (+1d6 vs. construct) - 50 coins 1 Blindness Bolt (DC 14 blindness on hit) - 25 coins 2 Boom Bolts (On Hit Balagarn's Iron Horn) - 25 coins each 2 Poison Bolts (DC 14 1d2 CONS/STR drain) - 10 coins each 23 Electro Bolts (Gedlee's Electric Loop On Hit) - 50 coins 1 Sleeping Bolt (DC 14 sleep on hit, 75% chance) - 1 coin 9 Dwarf Hunting Bolts (+1d4 dmg vs. dwarves) - 25 coins



Goblin Shield (Small Shield, +1 AC, +1 Hide/Tumble) - 200 coins Svirfneblin Small Shield (5/- Electric Resist) (x2) - 100 coins



Barbarian's Breastplate (+1 will, +2 disc/int/tumble, 6 charges Blood Frenzy, Barbarian Only) - 450 coins Trickster's Outfit (+1 AC, +2 Bluff, +1 Persuade, 15 charges Expedious Retreat) (Cloth) - 350 coins



Dunwarren Enforcer Rod (Club) (+1 AB vs Construct/Shapechanger, +1d4 sonic damage, +1d4 massive crits, Defeaning Clang 1/day, Pure Fighter Only, Needs 16 str to carry) - 3000 coins

Fullplate Armor (3 Sets Currently Available) - 1500 coins

Hooded Robe (+3 hide, +3 bluff, +1 AC vs. Good, usable by Cleric, Lawful Evil, Monk) - 800 coins

Warrior's Cloak (+2 concentration, +2 discipline, +1 taunt, +1 persuade, +1 intimidate, 1 charge Bull's Strength) - 500 coins

Taunting Gauntlets (+3 Taunt) - 500 coins

Lost Blade of Netheril (Dagger, +1 Spellcraft, Summon Creature II 1/day) - 400 coins


More to Come!

New Flyers find their way around town.
