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To the council

Greetings esteemed members of the Sanctuary City Council,

I spoke with one of your number and was informed to write a letter stating my request. I am a trained mortician, having spent most of my life serving and then, operating a funerary home in the city of Alaghon which as you know is the capital of the nation of Tormish, a pious, peaceful and happy nation of near two million souls on the sea of stars.

My day to day duties ranged from digging grave, performing ceremonies for the dead, preparing bodies for funeral, performing cremations, record keeping and dealing with undead.

The last two I think may interest you the most. I am at present attempting to maintain a list of all known deaths of citizens, a list to be publicly posted regular as well as provided to the guard and to the council. Due to the inate danger of our enviroment, people frequently go missing and it seems the city has a missing persons problem. My intention is to see that every known death in or near the city is properly recorded, to eliminate this missing persons problem.

Further, I am knowlegable in the methods of dealing with and dispatching undead. I have been informed that this city has a drastic and continuing problem with undead. I will devote what time I have from my other duties, to dealing with this problem which I am told, is considerable and a constant trouble.

I request no payment beyond the tools neccesary to see to my task. Esteemed councilors, my lifes work has been seeing the dearly departed treated with proper respect and dealt with respectfully. I was captured by the church of Cyric and sold into slavery. I spent near two years in slavery to the drow, my hope was to escape and resume my prior profession, it is not a profession that many understand or envy, but it is one I have found very meaningful, one which has given my life direction and a deep satisfaction.

Respectfully esteemed councilors, there is a rampant missing persons problem in the city and likewise, even in upper sanctuary, corpses in the street are not a rare occurence. It is my intention to solve both of these problems and ensure the passing of every citizen is treated with proper honor and proper respect.

I offer two proposals, I hope you will accept one, or both of them.

1. I respectfully request a Missing Persons Office established by the council. This office will (A.) maintain publicly accesible records of all recently deceased persons, as well (B.)take inquiries by persons seeking citizens who have appeared to dissapear, as well as (C.)take inquiries from citizens to discover the fates of others, who may have been held as slaves or otherwise lost in the underdark. I require no physical office, simply permission to collect such information and public post relevant information in the council building, periodically. I will also require paper and ink but the cost of that is of course, minimal.

I am currently engaged the above activites, with some success, however as establishing it as an office subordinate to the council, citizens would be more willing to submit information and know where to go to seek missing persons.

2. It has been my understanding that one of the Greycloak Knight's has been given operation of the city mausoleum. I respectfully request co-operation of the maosoleum. I am trained in the operation of funerary homes, as has been my lifes trade. As I understand it, he is a holy-warrior, not, a mortician, does he have the skills required to see to the day to day operation of a mausoleum as well as the time to perform it alongside his duties? I mean NO disrespect of any sort, my only concern is to ensure the dead are properly honored, respected and cared for. If this proposal is not pleasing to the Council, I alternativley request a subordinate position in him to the mausoleum. The only payment I request is that neccesary to see my duties.

May your Soul One Day Find Peace and Contentedness, Gravekeeper Tomborn

Councilor Goldbrick passes the letter off to the Civil Service department, asking them to shorten the letter and re-word it concisely so that it gets to the point faster.


Thank you for TAKING AN INTEREST IN YOUR CITY. Councilor Goldbrick is currently reviewing your letter and taking your words into consideration.


A small update. I have been contacted by Caretaker Avhost from the city mausoleum. I was otherwise informed a Greycloak and holy-warrior had the care of the mausoleum. I will speak with the Caretaker, however my request does still stand.

May your Soul One Day Find Peace and Contentedness, Gravekeeper Tomborn