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The dread sociopath

Is no more :(

My longest successful character to date

This character was created on Sunday, February 17th at 05:04:13 PM. Since creation, this character has logged on and off 232 times. The character has spent 12 days, 11 hours, 46 minutes, and 12 seconds online.

57 days, a new RwG record beyond my curse of 2 week characters.

I'll have many more screen shots to follow, but these two were by far the most epic.

First, A spoiler of epic proportions.

Rimin Simin, despite many claims in IRC, was actually a real IC being.

Elapidae was originally supposed to be a boogey-man style ghost who was never seen, and did counter-information and such, so Simin was a stolen concept from my previous server, in which my James-Bond esque defender of the city used a disguise of a mentally challenged bard who dressed in a bird helm, dyed black, and all black leathers went by the Crow, and spoke every line in rhyme. As a slight omage, I did the same with Elapidae

So, Using the beauty of Polymorph, I used said ability to cause some havok around lower from time to time ICly interacting with a few characters here and there, as well as placing some controversial bounties and ruining some fun for Lucius Westmore.


As some of you know, I'm into photography and am rather noob-esque when it comes to taking screen shots, because I gather them based on Artistic merit. Shots that are not always spoilering, but convey powerful images, and are awesome to look at I've always treasured.

However, The Holy Grail of my desire was found, with some fairly large plot twists.

It shows the overwhelming looming presence of the Spellguard, as well I feel as the crushing defeat of one of the Watch's greatest men to date. An emotional turn of events, and a dramatic moment,

I give you, My favorite screenshot, and what I thought was cinematographic gold, The Imperial March plays in the background, In what feels like a genuine movie moment.

The Fate of Lothor. Posted with Mort's permission, as it was rather spoiler

He came a long way from what I thought would be a throw away spy character, never even intending to go into the Spellguard, but originally the Watch Wizard program at the behest of Mag's watchman.

93 lawful, he was a sucker for order, and 10 evil, he loved him some torture.

Alot of fun, and it was a great honor to work with all you that helped me turn the Associates into what it is now, as well as Relentless and Scalebane for their characters heavy involvement in helping shape the concept IG.

We will miss Professor X D:

I have a good chunk of screenshots with ol' Elapidae. I have to get my photo converter up and working, but I'll post them here soon.

Damnit. I wanted to ask more questions about the glowing green staff!

Rimin Simin...! Seriously?

Holy crap! That was amazing what you did with that damn goblin RwG!

Get the FARK away from my inn! :P

RwG sux.


Poor Elapidae :(


Salut, mon capitan.

YOu bastard. I told you to die with me nearby so i could steal your staff >.<


Elapidae was awesome. Good luck with your next character, I hope your kung fu is strong enough to survive the Underdark.

By the way, I sleuthed out Rhymin' Simin' the first day those posts started going up. Based on this page: https://efupw.com/efu1-forum/topic/27/27520/the-coolest-faction-in-efu-history/index.html#post-106762&highlight=#106762

the funniest thing is that I suspected you were telling Allivarn a hole bunch of fat lies. well, at least I can show you my werecat app now.

One less evil Spellguard Agent to deal with...

Seriously, an intresting character. It seems the whole Spellguard is sutbly evil members (easy to detect via Paladins) and seems to not care much about the common militia, so long as it seems they're good.

In the words of Seeker Dawn,

"It's all ways been clear. People just have short memories."

Or something like that, can't remember it word for word.

Still, it would be intresting if the Spellguard's evil finally got loosed and it becomes public.

Still, a great character all the same. I actually talked with the 'murderer' of Agent X, along with Cpl. Brinson and Operative Krytos Miller IV. It was intresting, and I won't speak any furthur spoilers.

Uh. Yeah. Seeing as that is incredibly false, please do not speak more about them. <_<

Sorry for the delay. Numerous screens to sift through.


A great character who was interesting to roleplay with, good luck with your next one. We're waiting in anticipation for more screenshots.