Home > Town Hall Podium

Acceptance - Councilor Goldbrick

These events happened in game yesterday when Grag-stills accepted his term as a Councilor of Sanctuary.

My fellow Citizens! You have given me the votes I have asked of you, and in return, I promise many things in the coming days. I have made many promises, and I intend to keep every single one of them.

Though our city suffers from the depths of a terrible recession, a stagnant economic community in the canal, and a lethargic, bickering defense legion, like the soaring hope a new day presents each and everyone of us ... Goldbrick pauses to clench his fist and raise it high in the air, his blubbery mass is seen shaking wildly like a big sack of goo I SHALL DELIVER US INTO PROSPERITY! ... his voice booms throughout the Town Hall

Thank you all for your votes and support.

Goldbrick leaves the podium, struggling to get down safely, his perfumed beard gifting him a sweet and thick aura of cologne.