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Letter for Newly Elected Councilors

*An elegantly written letter containing the official seal of the Seekers is left for the newly elected councilors at the Town Hall*

Honorable & Esteemed Councilors,

Allow me to be among the first to congratulate each of you on your election to office. As I am sure each of you knows, your elections have recharged hope of the enduring freedom from tyranny, threats, and corruption with the citizens of Sanctuary. So again, I say congratulations.

When each of you are situated and moved in, I would humbly ask for the opportunity to personally address the Council body pertaining to various issues pertaining to the Seeker Organization and the free people of Sanctuary. More specifically, I would like to discuss reintegration of the Seeker Organization to Sanctuary. If the council body should have the time, and are willing, I would be eager to address the Council and answer the difficult questions that each you of may have.

Any correspondence can be sent to the Shrine of the Ascension in Lower.


Airandir Calmcacil, Seeker Emissary to the Council


I have a few immediate goals to see to first, but feel free to seek me out at anytime.

-Frank Dederich

*Another series of letters is delivered to each of the newly elected councilors at the Town Hall*

Honorable & Esteemed Councilors,

I understand there are many pressing matters that you are attending to, however I must respectfully press upon each of you the significance of the vulnerabilities associated to Sanctuary with the Seeker Organization not receiving offical funding through the council. The lack of funding is negatively affecting the Seeker's abilites and commitment in identifing threats posed to Sanctuary, investigating allegations of corruption, countering slaver activities, and pursuing the Way of the Ascension.

I humbly request each of your time and support pertaining to this matter for the betterment of security and freedom to Sanctuary.

Airandir Calmcacil, Seeker Emissary to the Council

The Seekers have a long way to go before we shall trust them, though that is not to say it will never happen. I will listen to your fiscal woes, though would remind you that if you ever wish to see a single golden coin from our treasury, you will be asked to obey the word of the Council and Sheriff loyally.


Dear Airandir Calmcacil,

Do come and see me when I have a time or two to spare.


Additional: Tell Toman to hurry up and claim his free meal, I hate being in debt.

*An official letter containing the seal of the Seekers is left for Councilor Goldbrick at the Town Hall. Duplicate copies of correspondence is left for each of the other councilors for their review/action*

Councilor Goldbrick,

I appreciate your quick and candid response back to my letters. Despite what you might have heard, the Seekers care deeply about the preservation of individual freedoms, as well the safe and secure wellbeing of the citizens of Sanctuary. This will always be the case even if the council continues to decide not to provide any funding to much needed operations.

I must say that I feel that there is a bit of a double standard from the council pertaining to the Seekers. According to the original Civil Defense Act, that was accomplished by Sanctuary’s founding leaders, the Spellguard, Watch, and Seekers were three equal, yet separate agencies that were responsible for the security of all within Sanctuary. Moreover, they provided much of their information to the elected leaders so that adequate decision could be made. As such, the Seekers would never fall under the authoritative oversight of the Sheriff of the Watch, or the Commander of the Spellguard. Please do keep in mind that it was not long ago, when the Spellguard itself withdrawn from “Sanctuary” and created its own Spellguard territory, which the Seekers successfully predicted that they used their knowledge and understanding of the wards to intimidate council for ruling in their favor.

Moreover, it was not long ago when Seeker investigative activity identified and implicated Sheriff Walters of the Watch in slave trading, which resulted in Sgt Moonfall being cleared of the charges that the Sheriff was attempting to put on her.

I would ask that you please reconsider your view and position regarding the Seekers, their chance at assimilation into Sanctuary, as well the reconstitution of their official funding.


Airandir Calmcacil, Seeker Emissary to the Council

*Seeker Airandir Calmcacil is seen inside of the Town Hall inquring about Councilor availablity, as well as any response from the latest correspondance*


I am fully open to the idea of Seeker reintegration. Perhaps if your organization began submitting new scouting reports of the surrounding area/enemies, other Councilors may begin to open up to the idea as well.

-Councilor Frank Dederich

Councilor Dederich,

I thank you for your response to my letters of inquiry. The Seekers are in agreement of your advice, and have already begun the process of providing intelligence information to the Watch pertaining to threats against Sanctuary and its Citizens.

If the council should desire, I would be willing to meet and address the elected council and relay current Seeker investigative focuses, as well as current areas of negative impact based on negative funding from the Council.


Airandir Calmcacil, Seeker Emissary to the Council

Honorable & Esteemed Councilors,

You would be pleased to know that the Seekers have taken quite well to cooperating with the Watch and provided them with detailed informational files pertaining to various topics of interest. Even more so, the Seekers have conducted a successful joint operation with the Watch in support of Watch objectives. This level of cooperation is yet to be shared with the Spellguard, however I would suspect that this is due to negative relationships between the predecessors of our organizations previously. Nonetheless, the Seekers are taking steps to open and maintain dialog with the Spellguard with the objective of creating an environment conducive for information sharing for the protection of Sanctuary and its citizens.

The Seeker recognizes the significant role the Watch and Spellguard have as part of the Civil Defense Act. As such, the Seekers are seeking to re-establish the civil defense threat working group. It is our hopes that representatives from each agency would meet to discuss ways we can collaborate in protecting Sanctuary. The Watch and Spellguard have already relayed their acceptance of the idea, and their willingness to participate. Our first meeting will take place in the near future, and I would like to offer an invitation to any of you who may wish to present themselves at any time.

In closing, the Seekers are very much committed to the idea of reintegration into Sanctuary. As such, I would like to relay that the Seekers are working aggressively and proactively with many of the civil defense agencies and like minded organizations pertaining to various emerging threats pertaining to Sanctuary. I understand that you are all very busy, so I am uncertain about how much transparency you might have into Seeker initiatives. So, if any of you should ever require an reports of a particular nature, please feel free to relay such. We will do our very best to obtain the information, and relay it to you professionally and timely.

Respectful Regards,

Airandir Calmcacil, Seeker Emissary to the Council

Seeker Calmacacil,

Your letter and the proposal within are being taken to the Council Chambers now. My apologies for the delay, but some of our councilors are absent at the moment. We will have our reply to you within a few days.

Councilor Dentra


You should have brought reintegration to my attention when I was offering to do it for you, and when I had your support in elections. Yet the letters I sent then were met only with silence! Now you ask me, of all times. I am still very happy to try to see the Seekers reintegrated into Sanctuary proper, although there may be a few control mechanisms in place this time to see less assassinations of Councillors, Mayors and city officials. Granted however, Bhast was a rat.

Ludicrously there are theories circling about that I am one too. Rest assured, I would happily scoff down some belladonna, if it wasn't poisonous to humans, elves, halflings, gnomes and dwarves, as well as rats, and if I could find some. But I suppose that theory originates with the Watch and the enthralled, now dead, liuetenant (I still owe Toman a damn meal for being right about him), and is of no concern to the Seekers, but I promise I will try to stay away from cheese.

On a completely unrelated note, I am very interested in the life of Ivlysar. If you could send me copies of his more interesting writings, as well as how he acted after the death of Melinda Bresley, I would be very thankful. At the moment, I am subscribing to Varlam Nikitovich's theory that she was killed by the illithid, or maybe she was just a vampire?

And what do you know about psychic slime?


Honorable Councilors Jacelyn & Dentra,

We Seekers are very excited about the council deliberation pertaining to Seeker reintegration into Sanctuary. The Seeker organization recognizes that three separate & independent defense agencies (subordinate only to the Mayor and the Council), as was outlined previous by our founding leaders, are key to insuring the safety of all free people of Sanctuary. It is this vision of the original Civil Defense Act, which Seekers strive while continuing to search for the Way of the Ascension. And this is why; I must relay our gratitude for council contemplating that prospect for us.

Councilor Jacelyn: I must implore you to absolve my predecessors’ lack of correspondence to you. As you know, the Seekers moved out of town and are working out of make shift offices. Letters to and from my fellow Seekers are not streamline at best. This is why I must ask that the Council consider providing the formerly known Seeker Hall, back to the Seekers. By doing so, the Seekers will never be further then a rocks throw, should you ever wish to speak. Moreover, I would jest that Seeker Vashan has not provided you that meal as of yet due to him savoring of the taste of correctly assessing the young Lt. I will relay to him that he should not savor the taste for too long.

Additionally, I will search through the old boxed up files in an attempt to obtain some information of your interest. I am certain I will be successful in obtaining some historic files that you would find attention-grabbing. They will be forthcoming in the next few darks.

Respectful Regards,

Airandir Calmcacil, Seeker Emissary to the Council

Airandir Calmcacil, Seeker,

And the slime?


Additional: The lack of correspondence was during the Seekers' stay in the Shrine of Ascension

Airandir Calmcacil, Seeker,

I will take your silence on the matter of the slime as a desire not to cooperate with me or the Council. A slight redemption might be earned by informing us of the exact nature of the relationship between the Seekers and House Montezzi. I had thought you had assassinated both the brothers, what has changed?


*Letter containing the offical seal of the Seekers was left in response. The hand writing of the letter seems a bit shaky, and the tone seems a bit more cold and calculated*


I know that the Council does not concern itself with matters in Lower, so I can understand your ignorance pertaining to why there was a delay in correspondence to your last transmission. House Montezzi raided the Shrine of the Ascension and killed most inside of it. Brother Willoud and the former Councilor Adeila were the only survivors, albeit Willoud has been hospitalized. House Montezzi claimed our Shrine as part of their providence. As for your interest in material, I will do my very best to put together something worth reading for you. Yet, much of our boxes were stored at the Shrine of the Ascension, which now is under House Montezzi control. I know that there was a significant amount of historical material within those boxes and creates, but I am unsure as to exactly what. Moreover, I am not optimistic that I will be able to gain access to the boxes and creates, but will make the attempt nonetheless.

As a result of their recent attack against the Shrine, the Seekers regrouped and went into lower seeking out House Montezzi followers. It would seem our adversaries are aided by powerful Weavers of the Arcane, resulting in our cautious and alert Seekers being waylaid and cut down by House Montezzi’s group. Seekers Rindle and Toman were killed along with a number of other citizens who accompanied them. I, who was returning from scouting of another area, stumbled on to House Montezzi attack and putting down the Seekers. I was confident with my abilities to hide in shadows, yet as soon as I entered the lower market, I was spotted by three of House Montezzi's attackers clear across the market. The three sprinted and were upon me before I could even pull a blade. The result was that I awoke in the hold and was subsequently hospitalized.

House Montezzi, now in possession of an abundance of Seeker equipment and gear, is threatening skinning any and all former supporters of the Seekers as well as declaring open warfare against all seeker outposts using the equipment they acquired. In a futile attempt to save some lives in lower; I placed a city wide sending encouraging lower citizens to enter Upper and that Seeker aggression in against House Montezzi in lower is over.

I heard later, that there was a private Brinson of the Watch who entered into lower and fought House Montezzi in an attempt to secure the fallen. He was later arrested by the Spellguard. I would trust that you can recognize the profound honor and commitment this brave you man has for the people of Sanctuary and would hope you would intervene to insure that he is recognized and that his career is not tarnished.

Councilor…you are facing more then a simple band of violent thugs. They are being provided with support that significantly aids in their attacks and control of lower. With what we know of our adversaries now, we will have to make adequate changes to our tactic and a reassessment of our “allies”.


Airandir Calmcacil, Seeker Emissary to the Council

Airandir Calmcacil, Seeker,

Thank you. I have one more question for you. Of the Montezzi, who are still alive? A short description of each member would be helpful too.



Enclosed is information you requested that was extracted from a number of previously filed Seeker reports. The individuals listed, are signficant individuals within House Montezzi. Their numbers have been swelling as of late, however this information is what has been confirmed thus far:

-A Duergar Dwarf by the name of Kahnuk. Wears Mur Armor of dark color. Uses a shield and dwarven battle axe. (Never observed attacking thus far, but is highly suspected in supplying logistics to House Montezzi)

-Jacques Montezzi, who seems to be able of casting seeing magics and wielding a great sword. He seems to have a limp and wears finely made tunics.

-A pale skinned Woman by the name of Elizabeth. She is seen wearing dark clothing, and never more then a tunic or robe.

-Rinaldo Montezzi, the leader of this new ruse. He wields a great sword as well, and seemed as arrogant as it could get. He is suspected to have been raised back to the living, however it has not been corroborated at this point.

-Waylon Spitworth, a ferrous man who wields a very large axe. Was directly observed cutting down Seekers.

-There seems to be a goblin creature by the name Ghyrrt or some such. He was directly observed cutting down Seekers as they were immobilized, as well as he taking a branding oath to House Montezzi.

Airandir Calmcacil, Seeker Emissary to the Council

*An official letter containing the official seal of the Seekers is left for the council at the Town Hall*

Honorable & Esteemed Councilors,

I have heard talk in the streets pertaining Councilor Cheval being cut down in lower by a member of House Montezzi. If this is the case, then I must relay my condolences to you for yours, and the people of Sanctuary’s loss. I have conversed with Councilor Cheval a number of occasions, and found him to be straight forward in his particular way. This way, I found most refreshing compared to the many levels of deceit I have seen during my time here.

It is unfortunate, but Councilor Cheval did say that death threats were placed against him and asked the Seekers to assist in identifying and mitigating this threat. However, we relayed that the Seekers were too ill funded, equipped, or manned to accomplish such in a timely fashion. Based upon the situation laid out before us…I find the many lives taken by House Montezzi as a personal burden on my mind and soul.

I do hope and pray there is a suitable way in which the Seekers can be of service once again to the council and the free people of Sanctuary. Do feel free to relay if there is someway we can be of some assistance.


Airandir Calmcacil, Seeker Emissary to the Council

*A letter containing the official seal of the Seekers is left for members of the Council at the Town Hall*

Honorable & Esteemed Councilors,

As you converse and dialog about what is to be the future of the Seekers as part of Sanctuary’s civil defense agencies, I would relay to you that the Seekers have historically done much in insure freedom from tyranny, violence, and oppression for all people who make up Sanctuary. We have exposed Sheriff Walters as a slave trader, exposed political officials for corruption, freed hundreds of slaves from certain death and stings of whips, as well as provided early warning of threats posed to Sanctuary. Moreover, the Seekers have always served as a part of the check and balance for the other two defense agencies, as well as for corruption within the council itself. Please take this into consideration during you debate.

With our Seeker Hall in upper vacant and under the possession of the Council, our shrine damaged and closed in lower, and House Montezzi shaking down any former or suspected financial or logistical supporters of the Way of the Ascension, the Seekers are shifting towards attacking slave caravans as a main means of funding for the cause of finding the Way. This could result in decreased intelligence dissemination for Sanctuary. Not what I would prefer, but necessary for the Seekers under our current plight.

Councilor Dentra has relayed that the time of the Seeker is over in Sanctuary. As I ponder this comment...I watch House Montezzi, who are more ruthless then the Tigereye’s ever were, cut down free people of lower who refused to submit their tyrannous rule. I watch the Spellguard provide logistical support to House Montezzi, while they continue to detain a Seeker Duran Hayis without charges and without proving access to him. I watch as the elected council dismisses any good the Seeker organization has done for Sanctuary with a broad stroke of a Spellguard sponsored quill as us being insurgents or assassins. I watch all of this…and I am actually starting to believe it.

Unless I am inquired to do so, this will be my last communication to the council pertaining to this matter. I am confident your time is valued as much as mine.

Airandir Calmcacil, Seeker Emissary to the Council