A duergar with heavy, brutal features drops this sealed note off for Halla. He mentions that the author can be reached here at Mur. With a wink and a grimace, he vanishes from sight, leaving her to read the contents of the letter.
The most pleasing flesh is surely gray From the hall the one seeing her may Take note of her eyes It's her beauty he spies And her roast rothe cuts that make him stay.
She deserves none but the most truly rich No disgrace of a hovel and ditch If wealth she does seek She need only speak For hard labor is truly my niche.
My whole life has been little but toil Spiced of iron and blood and of soil To accumulate wealth And ensure our good health Let no rival cause our bond to spoil.
She belongs on the arm of but one No one but Mutulakt's own favored son In the service he fought Fleeing pale dwarves he caught And would beat them all eve for his fun.
Oh Halla, the prize for clan's best Laduguer Himself gave me this quest To continue my line Let our lust intertwine May Deep Duerra smite me if I jest.
To Traensyr I would march for your heart Let us dine upon roast rothe to start And together whip slaves And dig pale dwarf graves For there is truly no higher art.
To prove my worth give me a mission Murder gnome king or drow magician No task is too great To ensure a good mate May you be won by this rendition.