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Drin has passed on.....(MEGA LOTS of pics)

....to the green fields to remain at Arvoreen's side for eternity.

Before i get to the screenshots, I'd like to first say thank you to the DM team for some of the most meaningful, albeit little, things to happen to me.

I'd also like to say that playing a halfling paladin of Arvoreen was somewhat of a challenge for me. For a few reasons. First off, halflings are gregarious, curious and very free spirited. Drin was far from that. In fact, there are very, very few paladin halflings. Most followers of Arvoreen are, in fact, clerics, not knights. Drin's unique history of having left his homeland to live in Waterdeep changed him. It honed his discipline towards his goals as a faithfull follower of the Wary Sword.

Though honestly, trying to be stern and free spirited was hard. He was curious, but cautious. Wise, but impulsive at times. Really truly a paradox of cultural upbringing and personal drive.

Just about every person he encountered he distrusted at first, even if detect evil gave them a clear sense. Those he did trust, he did entirely: Lucius Westmore, Breena, Merum (rabbit/shade), Chelene Blake, Drugo Silverleaf, Ricco Jones, Geriant Redpath, Dylan the Minotuar's various hins, Merle Bearer, Skrillix and Luke Danger (for your support of a difficult faction to keep populated), Angelica, Morwen (first person Drin met on creation), Lothor (for proving a sneak can beat a paladin), Kyle Fox, Toman Vashan (for some of the best law/chaos discussions ever), Alivarn Fireheart (for supplying me with healing wands nearly twice daily for months)( will add more as I recall them, sorry if your name is missing so far, really!)

I'd also like to thank the numerous players who tolerated Drin's occasional personal battle with his faith and those that helped keep his ass alive when Improved Expertise sometimes wasnt enough.

He was a blast to play and I loved logging in every day to walk around and see who I could interact with. I think this character welcomed more new players to the server than any other I've played before. Wow, is all I can say.

Drin did lots of RPing, sometimes hours of it. Sadly, I don't have many screenshots of that since often times the window would scroll past the point of being able to scroll back.

First some little known facts about him:

-Drin was my longest lasting character: 14 months -Drin started off as a wizard not a paladin, but prior to his time in the underdark. -Drin only ever took off his shield 4 times in his entire career: 3 times to drag bodies out of dangerous areas, 1 time because he thought his god had left him -He never left a single gate that he passed through, open. -His blue cloak was only worn in battle. -He kept the citizen stones of every Hin he failed to save. -He was the only surviving member of the original group of Greycloaks when the faction was created. -Drin was killed defending a group of hins trying to get out of the Temple Hoar. He remained dead for 3 months, where his body was eventually found in a mass grave outside the city and had life breathed back into him....that death, at level 7, was his first ever as a character at the time. -Drin did get his Champion of Torm application accepted, however, he never got to take that level as I stipulated that he had to reach level 9 to do so in my application. The closest he came to level 9 (and the most xp any character I've played has gotten) was 34,500 xp. -Drin hated goblins more than anything else. A DM once gave me 100xp for grabbing a goblin PC by the throat and choking him, if the dwarves around me hadn't stopped me, the PC would have likely been choked to death. By far my most fun 100xp ever earned.

Here are some screenies now of him

Some people like knowing what the characters stats were:

Now to see his loot! yes that's 6 serious healing wands - you can die with lots of healing! and that horn was a 1x/day heal also!

The frog shaped item can summon some good creatures - thanks to a kobold!

Ironcially, that squigly dagger did as much damage as my hand axe....

Drin had a Greycloak different from the rest of them.

I must thank Howland for this ring....made my day!

This journal was among one of the most influential things Drin ever received ICly. After reading it, it changed how he viewed the world and how he went about interacting with people: with tolerance! By far one of the most interesting bits of food Drin found.

Drin also met some very interesting people along his time here:

Mind Flayer

A helpful Ogre Bandit

The servers first Gyth

Another Hin Paladin

A dwarven druid

Fruit Throwers

Baby Dragon

Even a friendly Deep lizard!

He plotted with the spellguard

Drin Gave to Charity

Drin assisted the dead even if they weren't along his 'path'

Drin also fought a lot of things Beholder After fighting the beholder

A Good Smite

A Better Smite

End of the Battle for Mycopolis

Fighting the Watch

Nearly fighting a friend

Red Skulls

Locked in the crone with anything but friends

Leading parties to victory (or doom!) Leading a very weak party to...yes, victory!


Drin always slept on the 3rd cot in the Temple.

Drin sometimes only had this place to call home and worship

And he saw some....odd things (humor and misc)

(notice Merle way up on TOP of the watch wall)

So, like some uber Orogs kicked my and the Sentinels ass randomly in the underdark...NC showed up and apologized.

Only time there was a red, white, and blue cloak combo on a quest for him

Notice the // comment...okay it was only funny to me.

And finally....some images I thought seemed to fit him best.

yeah but what has he done for me lately

Drin was awesome. I don't usually like paladins, but Drin was a good one. Congrats on an awesome character, and good luck with your next one.

That picture with him facing the gold light is iconic of paladins.

I really like the ambiance, as a nub who takes too much interest in taking NWN screenshots

Godamn :(

Nooo :(

Nice job, dj. And cool pics. Drin sure had a lot of crap, though. :P

Well, Dornal's the Warden of the Greycloaks now. Still, Dornal got the key, right?

And second of all, what killed him?

Great character Din was, an excellent commander of the Greycloaks. too bad he's dead now, he was a great character.

Drin was an amazing character! I cannot recall a situation where interacting with him did not lead to something interesting.

Well done, and I anxiously await to see your next creation. :)

It was always fun to run into Drin. From meeting him very, very early on with Calor, to battling him somewhat recently in the Arena with Grigorii (in a nail-biter), it was always enjoyable.

Thanks for the nice screenshots, and good luck with your next character.

Evil meglamaniacal laughter aside...

Drin was a brilliant character that is effectively the only reason why the Greycloaks are still around, and he outlasted so many of my characters it just isn't funny.

He'll be missed, and his funeral will have to be suitably awesome.


Allivarn shall sell him wands in Heaven!

Little known fact, Allivarn sold half of his wands to Drin alone.

Skrillix Evil meglamaniacal laughter aside...

Drin was a brilliant character that is effectively the only reason why the Greycloaks are still around, and he outlasted so many of my characters it just isn't funny.

He'll be missed, and his funeral will have to be suitably awesome.

Send me a time EST, I so wanna see it.

Drin was always, Kyle's friend he trusted him and listened to him and when possible tried to help with what he could. I remember the first conversation that we had when he asked Kyle to join the greycloaks i wish he could have at that point but he still had so far to travel on his path, he kept the ring that he gave him though and even gave it to his fiancee Clara to keep after thorn robbed her of all her things.

Kyle quested with Drin on very few occasions but all of them where fun, the hook horrors was lagged to the heavens the time we did it and i remember Kyle jumping over the wall and being surrounded by them thanks to a lag spike. Most of the rp we did was a lot of fun, espically attacking Andrew Deepingdale in the temple of Tyr had sig not been there we would have had him on his ass. Also when you where for lack of a better word Stoned and i had to try and find someone to help you whild the spellgaurd attacked the canal ward.

Skirllix can you keep me informed of the date and time of the funeral i have a feeling that Kyle would like to light a candle for his fallen friend in remembrance that no matter what he saw the best in Kyle and trusted him.

Drin was fun to be around. Hopefully he had a suitable end!

Drin was what i can call a hero, who fight for ideas and fellings. A stone mark character.


Ha, good times. A good model halfling. Was good times man.

Drin was a heroic paladin, and always interesting to be around. The fact a paladin and a Spellguard agent could actually have the level of trust they did was surprising and enjoyable.

I look forward to your next avatar, djspectre! 8)

He was hard to play. To start with he was a paladin so that made trying to do quests that he ICly would do, hard because fi someone evil was there he wouldn't go.

Secondly, I think I set his goals way to high for him.

Third, he was a de facto leader (by virtue of being the only survivor) of a faction that, at the time, the playerbase wasn't interested in.

he also was a halfling, which made his inherent nature (gregarious and curious) clash with his vows. Though that tended to make for some of the more interesting interactions with other players. The throwdown with Deepingdale in the Tyrran temple being one and the conflicts with Darius Miller (both times resulting in Drin's arrest) were very interesting.

He also suffered from hero syndrome, but that was more because of his devotion to Arvoreen. Servants (clerics, knights) of him are commanded to never back down when another halflings life is in danger, even at the risk of ones own life. This lead him to get clobbered a lot more than might appear apparent. And thus why I was buying healing wands like a crazy man. The amount of healilng I had on him was truly epic. I was prepared for days to weeks of RL time in the Underdark, but those expeditions where I tried that, often were cut short by server crashes or resets.

Still I loved this guy, I loved how he interacted with others and how he was able to occasionally rally people around his ideas, including reviving the Greycloaks, which, in my mind, is his greatest success.

If anyone has any more screenshots of him, please post them!

I may have (Id need to go through the endless folders to be sure) one or two, but they are still spoilerific I think.

anyway, The only paladin that I didnt have a screaming urge to smite. Drin embodied the well-played-paladin for me, and is the reason I backed off from "Ban all paladins" to "make them App". Great char.

Cant wait to see what your next character will be. (Maybe a mind flayer Druid, that would be cool beyond belief, except for the whole "Need to smite self" thing)

djspectre, I can honestly say in my mind you've set the bar for both halflings and paladins.

Extremely well played. Watching from afar, Drin always stood out to me as a well-developed, nuanced character. He showed that a paladin doesn't have to be a dick to be a paladin.

The underdark is a bit darker without Mr. Drin.


Now go and make another character that doesn't have a 6 charisma and isn't a jerk so he can replace Drin and be enjoyable to be around as well....

New Dunwarren just won't be the same without Drin. :(

Cool played, Nicely done!

Can't wait for your next char :)

I think Moss almost tried to kill you one time for thinking you were the Only way of Hindom.

Great character, I had a blast rping and questing with Drin. Peace!


Good job on Drin.

I bet you don't remember but you once warned my Loviataran of an "evil" fellow wanting to join a quest but towards the end you must have thought me more evil.

Talking with Drin, fighting alongside Drin and fighting Drin, I can say that he was a most enjoyable character to roleplay with. From teaching Brinson lessons on the undead to stopping fruit-throwing halflings, the conversations and actions of this particularly little hero added depth to him and made him feel very much like a real person. He will be sorely missed by many characters.

Talir Talking with Drin, fighting alongside Drin and fighting Drin, I can say that he was a most enjoyable character to roleplay with. From teaching Brinson lessons on the undead to stopping fruit-throwing halflings, the conversations and actions of this particularly little hero added depth to him and made him feel very much like a real person. He will be sorely missed by many characters.

I had so many of these sorts of interactions with different players/characters that that's what made this guy so fun to play. There were times when I'd log in and literally chat for hours IC without doing a single quest and it was just as fun as questing.

I remember the conversation about the undead as well. I only wish I'd gotten a chance to finish his journal about how he finally became a paladin full time and learned all of what he did.

You can still do it, dude.

Hell, I'm still writing about lerzon :)

He was there when I made my first ever character, he was there when I came back after a 4 month break, he was there when I played for two months, and then he was there after another long break when I made my newest characters.

A part of EfU has died, to me.

Sorry to see him go, and congratulations on the greatness of the character.

Brilliantly played, Mate!

I met and have quested with Drin with all three of my characters, over the 14 months you speak of. Always good to have a frontlining Hin whacking things with moral righteousness in front of you without fear!

::: Sticking with Drin no matter what happened to him, and setting those Uber goals {eg: CoT at lvl 9}, is the kind of thinking and imagination that, I think, often leads to great RP stretches to make things happen.

I met so many other characters by interacting with you too.

The screenies are great - yes, Drin in the Sunset, or the Dim yellow light pic on the horizon looks great.

New Dunwarren will not be the same without its leader. You stepped up after Stanislaw Lem and Haldor Longhand died, and held the Hill's grace together simply by your presence. The literature you have left behind at Tyr is a great legacy.

Yes.. - a bright light has gone out in the Underdark.

I would love to be at his funeral.. [PM me the GMT time if possible]

It was always fun smiting evil things with Drin as Drogon, the only other halfling paladin around. Drin is, infact, what made me want to play a halfling paladin. Truly, a well-played character who lasted longer than all of my time on the server both inactive and active.