Salman Faraday Azzam,Either you stand for justice or you do not. Ethier you are here to protect the people of this city, or you are not. You either follow the letter of the law, or you follow your own will. Which is it good Sheriff?
The Spellguard has committed a mass genocide against their own people. They murdered good men and women who came to the defense of their city when called upon. Is this not exactly what Charles Bresley himself would have done? Where would our city be now had the Spellguard murdered him? The Spellguard argue not that it was accident, but the fault of the deceased for getting in the way. Let them argue it in court, like any other citizen would have to in their place.
There must be a trial, and there must be arrests made. You'll do it now, or force my hand when elected to the council.
Salman Faraday
Sheriff Azzam When a father warns his child not to stare into the glory of At'ar, and the child does not pay heed and goes blind, neither the father nor At'ar are to blame.AZZAM