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Spellguard Accountability

Torn down

[A helmed Agent in sinister black robes tears down any notices he sees, ordering patrolling Watchmen to do the same]

*Sten will tear down any notice he sees.*

Before mumbling

"Fecking Lowers!"

*ten more notices are put up in its place*

For every notice you tear down I'll put up a hundred to replace them. You can not silence me.

The loss of life in the Canal Ward is devastating. My heart goes out to all of the families and friends who are still suffering from what can only be called a complete tragedy. If there is anything I can do to help you, in this time of sorrow, seek me out, I am eager to do what I can. Eager, as those brave men and women who rushed to the defense of the city must have been, before the Spellguard murdered them.

They must be held accountable for their actions in the Canal Ward. The spirits of those brave souls demand it. They were willing to give there lives in fight and were never given the chance. Electrocuted by the Spellguard before they could raise a blade. The Spellguard will argue it was for the greater good, but did they sacrifice anything personal at all? Who are they to throw away another's life and call it less valuable then their own? They snuffed out the lives of citizens they were supposed to be protecting.

Tonight, while the families of the fallen gather in mourning, above the Spellguard will declare victory. It makes me sick to even think about it. All those involved in the decision making to activate the orbs will be held accountable. As councilor, I hope to personally reside over their trials and deal out the justice that they have earned. Upholding the law does not make one immune to it. Justice will prevail.

Salman Faraday

*10 more notices are town down thrown in waste barells or thrown off the ledge of Upper*