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A message from the Hold

the following is posted on all major boards

A Message from the Hold

Read these words, all citizens of Sanctuary and those who give honor and faith to Grumbar, Lord of Earth and Stone, in whose domain we all live. There has been much talk of the use of the corpses of those we know and of those that we do not in the defense of the city. Animation of the undead has now been outlawed within the city. I urge all those who read these words to understand that more than unlawful, the animation of a corpse to create undeath is Heresy.

Within each of us is earth, a sacred gift given by Grumbar to strengthen and create our bodies. On death and with time we return to the dust from what our bodies were created, and that gift returns to the greater whole of the Earth and Stone. To remove the body from that path of returning to dust and earth by use of magic to create undeath is removing from the Earth what was, is, and will always belong to Grumbar, the Eternal Lord of Earth and Stone. He has given each of us a part of His domain to live with, and that gift is for only that individual to use and no other. Only the proper soul should ever be reunited with its body to restore proper life, and any other action that binds the body’s earth to slavery under magic is abominable sin.

All those who honor and respect Grumbar, all those who have faith in the Lord of Earth and Stone, I urge you to remove yourselves from those who do such things and ensure their acts fail. Any who aid them, any who support them, should give penance and separate yourself from them. Any who continue are pronounced Heretic and Anathema, and will be judged accordingly by the Faithful and our God.

[posted at the original proclamation on some of the boards; the notice is written in the same kind of archaic, barely legible script as those before, and the well known symbol reigns where the letters do end]

Behold ye citoyens wary of this towne the words of falsehood that preach those who steal souls innocent and bring them back against their Will revealed to this existence bleak and violent and of misery. Behold them who deny thy fathers and enfants slain their reste ultime in the embrace of the Lord Beyond in the earth hallowed. Behold them who hide behind words false and untrue whilst they perform Rites Moste Vile in recesses dark of their fortress of stone cold they defile. They tear the souls from their rest peaceful whilst they mock in preaches deceitful all that ye and thy Lords hold Holy. Thus can affirm all that witnessed the preachings wrought and the comportement moste sinful. Hath allowed the daemon evil hidden behind the masque of Grumbar the Kin of Mine wrathful and soon to bring His revenge, hath allowed this daemon moste foul the cadavres hallowed of thy fathers and enfants to be burned into remnants charred and ash and denied for the earth aeternal to claim and consume them as is due and required by Grumbar the Kin of Mine, hath allowed this crime utmost for decades in the past and thus is their nature true revealed that they are no servants faithful of Grumbar the Lord of Earth and Stone. Behold, ye citoyens of this towne of past and hearken to the words of priest unmasked and false that ring true, but know ye that the Truth Ultime lieth not in this Hold of Daemon Dark that claimeth to be Grumbar the Kin of Mine Who becometh wrathful of these crimes vile, and I shall condemn and punish those that stand against Our Will and aid Grumbar the Kin of Mine the Order Natural to restore. Thus speaketh Lord Nakasr.