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Faraday: Upper Spy!

Salman Faraday begs for our votes, to get a position on a Council that governs the filthy body of Upper. He is using us, to attain his own dreams of political power. He does not care for our people, or our problems. He preaches empty words, to get us to enter a place we do not want to go, to vote for him. Once we've done that, do you honestly think that he'll give two shits about us down here?

Don't vote in Upper's filthy elections. For the gods' sakes, have some pride men. We are Lower, we do not pander to politicians, and Uppersmen.

Vote for None.

-Jonathon Walker


I am Lower through and through. Disagree with my policies if you must, which will bring funds to our part of the city, where they are needed most. Never question the patriotism of a Lowersman. We are the people. We believe in freedom, we believe in Sanctuary. We believe in the right to choose our own destiny, to choose our leadership, to choose our own way of life. No man can take this from us be he watch or council or criminal. The criminals in lower use our freedom to prey on their fellow man. I use my freedom to protect them. Mr. Walker, I am lower through and through, what are you?

Salman Faraday

PanamaLane Patriots,

In all my life I've never been the cohort of a thug or criminal. It would have been easy to turn to crime, especially after my mother passed. A nine year old child I was, growing up alone in a world that seemed impossibly large and unfairly slated towards the wealthy and noble. Had I a single villainous bone in my body, I may have become one, but it was not in my nature. Instead I found Azuth, or better, he found me. He taught me that it is the duty of the strong to protect the weak. He protected me then, so that I may help the people now.

We are one people in Sanctuary. The moral right is to never ignore your fellow man, to give Sanctuary to any and all forms who request it. This is the single most important founding principal of our city. Doing what is right is not always easy. If I wanted your vote, I'd stand against the goblins, or kobolds or whomever is popular for the slaughter, but this is not what I believe righteous. I can only do what I feel is moral and in the process help as many people as I can doing it. I know you understand this in New Dunwarren. I hope this has helped you to better understand me.

Salman Faraday - Paladin of Azuth

Look at this man preach his holyness! Pandering to the Holy Men and Snobby Saints in New Dunwarren! He thinks he's better than us "thugs" and "criminals" as he calls us.

He comes to us with honied words, and promises of money, but mark my words, brothers and sisters. This man will wash his hands of us, once he gets what he wants.

-Jonathon Walker