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Salman Faraday: Traitor

Salman Faraday's campaign hinges upon taking money away from Upper organizations, such as the Watch and Spellguard, and spending it on Lower! He wishes to endanger your safety, by giving parks to the gangs and thugs that live below!

Do not tolerate such a man to govern. Should such a man be voted in by the rabble and filth of Lower, throw him out! Try him for treason! He is not to be trusted!

-Cornelius Thatcher


PanamaLane Patriots,

You know how completely I believe in freedom. You know how I call lower my home and how as your councilor I will do everything in my power to see funds reach the people who need them. A vote for me is a vote for cuts to watch and spellguard funding. A vote for me is a vote for improvements in lower, including a park and an arena. It's a vote for humanoid rights, a vote for freedoms. A vote for me is a vote for Sanctuary.

Salman Faraday


I believe this to be one city, one Sanctuary. I believe all the people of this city to be equal. The people of Upper have ignored their duties to their fellow man by throwing up gates and raising swords against them. These things that separate us are downward spirals of violence and hate. It's time we understood that all are equal in the eyes of god. No one wants the criminals in lower gone more then I do. They prey upon the good people who believe in freedom. The good people who don't trust the watch or spellguard with good reason. These are organizations that not a month ago summoned the undead in Upper with no repercussions, while claiming to uphold the law. A watch and spellguard that in the past has enslaved and murdered their brothers and sisters openly on the streets. It is obvious to me why people don't trust them, and I know it is obvious to many of you as well.

To improve our city we must be willing to sacrifice for our fellow man. Be he from Lower, or Upper, New Dunwarren or the Zone. I believe in Lower because I believe in Sanctuary. The money spent there will lower crime and improve upon the conditions of their lives. Poverty is the true culprit and he can not be killed with the sword. The bloated defense budget, which sits at 70% of all our funds must be lowered. We are spending all this money to keep Upper safe from Lower. My plan would make Lower safer at its roots and Sanctuary safer on the whole. We are betraying the values of this city by not doing this. We are betraying our fellow man. I will do everything in my power to reverse this trend and unite us in principal once again. We are one Sanctuary.

Everything Mr. Thacher said is true with one exception. I am no traitor to the ideals of our people. Freedom and equality will never come to pass if we do not believe in each other. I believe in Lower because I believe in Sanctuary. I believe in the Seekers because I believe in Sanctuary. We are one people. We are one Sanctuary.

Salman Faraday

PanamaLane Patriots,

I am Lower through and through. Disagree with my policies if you must, which will bring funds to our part of the city, where they are needed most. Never question the patriotism of a Lowersman. We are the people. We believe in freedom, we believe in Sanctuary. We believe in the right to choose our own destiny, to choose our leadership, to choose our own way of life. No man can take this from us be he watch or council or criminal. The criminals in lower use our freedom to prey on their fellow man. I use my freedom to protect them. Mr. Walker, I am lower through and through, what are you?

Salman Faraday

Lowersman through and through, indeed. If he is a Lowersman, through and through, what place does he have in our Council? We are Upper! We are not the Lower Wards chaotic, anarchistic ways. This man is lower, through and through, and deserves none of our power.

-Cornelius Thatcher

Lowers man are nothing but traitors and rebels. Their people have time and time again assualted this fair city. Lowersman even tolerate criminals such as the Dread Captain Thorne who operated within the Crone! Lowersmen have done nothing to benefit the citizeins of Upper. Sanctuary as a hole my ass First citizein Bhast Declared lower is a part of the underdark not this free city.

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