Mighty GOOZAG, bandit king, will loot enemies and make dwarf-skin fort. Promises to banish ugly dwarves and kick babies in face.Vote GOOZAG or NIKEY.
Goozag for Council
While walking through Lower, Goigan sees this parchment tacked on the side of a building, just about waist high, and urinates on it.
GOOZAG policies.Dwarf hunting season. Eat them and put heads on totem pole.
No watch. Watch evil, goblins strong. Make watch hunt cheese for King.
No Council. King GOOZAG rules.
Seekers and Spellguard put in room for two weeks. Sell tickets to make money for big throne.
A full, red dwarf beard is pinned to the notice near sewer town. It appears freshGOOZAG begins dwarf-hide tent building! Vote for GOOZAG for better dwarfskin tents.