2008-04-02 04:07:43 UTC
I am making this topic to test the waters as to how well received my little idea would be. The concept is that a group of characters living in Sanctuary would meet every week or so to play a tabletop roleplaying game based on the surface, complete with dice and ability scores.
Now let's hear some praise for my idea.
2008-04-02 04:13:52 UTC
This has actually been done before. Sorry LTS.
2008-04-02 04:24:54 UTC
Well, I guess what I am saying is --
Dibs on Half Dragon.
2008-04-02 05:20:45 UTC
No recursing.
Actually. I'd be all over that.
2008-04-02 14:47:41 UTC
Dude, Andrew Liekwalkersomethin'. But yes, I would totally drum up a nerd character for that.
2008-04-02 17:17:59 UTC
This could actually be fun.
Daemonic Daz
2008-04-02 23:11:47 UTC
Since I've never played a tabletop verison of DnD in my life... This sounds fun :D
2008-04-02 23:24:35 UTC
I call dibs on the frenzied berserker.
2008-04-25 09:56:51 UTC
It would be awsome if this Idea is still a go. I have a sick Spartan mage in mind, to bad NWN doesnt support the classes or id play him in EFU :( A Wizard/sorc that advances in both classes at once, can actually USE the sword hes holding and his spell materials become focuses on the sword.
Im down if this is still going to happen.
Dr Dragon
2008-04-26 17:30:53 UTC
Can I play a subrace? PLZ PLZ!
2008-04-29 03:44:40 UTC
I might be willing to do this. OpenRPG is a good place to set this up.
I got dibs on the elven ranger with a misunderstood malar beast companion.
Edit: Oh I read it wrong, as in, do this in game. lol@me
2008-04-29 09:43:13 UTC
Have a character that invents the game in Sanctuary.
I say start out with three classes, then add expansions and other extra rulebooks that people have to buy from the bookstore. Then make 2nd edition etc.
2008-04-30 00:15:22 UTC
Have a character that invents the game in Sanctuary.I say start out with three classes, then add expansions and other extra rulebooks that people have to buy from the bookstore. Then make 2nd edition etc.
Not going to happen.
Board game inventor. Way cool.
I'd go for "Death: The Game of Sanctuary" Where the entire point of the game is to die in the most fantastic fashion.
Edit: But most players end up a rotting corpse in a dung filled hole being sodomized by a kobold.