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Spellguard Associate Research and Development

The Research and Development branch of the Spellguard Associates is now recruiting.

Be you a Wizard, or an innate caster who understands that he or she is only allowed to cast by luck and genetics, Or any other researcher interested in Enlisting into the Military Arm of the Spellguard Order, Leave a letter of intent for Agent Elapidae at Serena Tower.

Candidates must:

-Be intelligent -Be able to follow orders -Be able to keep comprehensive notes -Be able to work well with others -Be able to understand at least, concepts of the weave. You do not need to be able to cast, so long as you understand Magic and or are willing to learn. -Be of an inquisitive nature. -Desire to assist this city in all capacities. -Be able to resist the lure of Adventure.

As a member of the Spellguard Associate Research and Development team, you will be requested to keep your life intact, and do what you can to avoid conflict of any nature. If you are accepted into this program, you will be assigned to research tasks of minute and moderate value of importance to the city, and as such an asset you must be kept alive.

While this program is NOT a position required of any Wizards wishing to become applicable to recruitment for the Order, There is possibility if you prove to be useful in research that your name may be put into consideration before any individuals simply walking off the street.

Be you a non-caster, or have no desire of joining the illustrious Order of Spellguard, you are still able to put your research and technical abilities to use, and assist long term as the Research and Development program offers numerous perks, such as possible use of the Spellguard lab, assistance in projects from Agents, as well as Room and Board.

//OOC: For some clarification, as IC terms like "researcher" can be thrown around a bit liberally at times. This is an experimental branch of the already existing Spellguard Associates, You do not need to be a Wizard or Sorcerer to join, so long as you wish to play a "Scientist" type character over a moderate to long term. Given the nature of the work, it is requested you try to keep your "Unaffiliated" questing to a minimum, as a researcher doing mercenary work with a random assortment of characters could be seen as risking an asset to the Order, and ICly lead to some complications. That being said, with other Spellguard associates or Agents present, we will gladly facilitate your urge for fat XPs and Loots, giving you on-the-fly assignments or bringing you along on "Field Research".

It is also requested that you do not create a side character to join this program, as if you are willing to throw ample time into your character, We will be glad to give you numerous and exciting ways to occupy your time as a Main Character (Both PC and possible DM plots). Side Characters, while fun, would be slightly counterproductive to the spirit of the group.//

New posters can be seen about the city