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Carl McDougal

Lol, well Carl finally bit it. Here are some screens. Feel free to add any Carltastic screens that you have!

http://img91.imageshack.us/my.php?image=nwn0003btz4.jpg http://img91.imageshack.us/my.php?image=nwn0005bmy8.jpg http://img91.imageshack.us/my.php?image=nwn0002dmf3.jpg http://img91.imageshack.us/my.php?image=nwn0000lil3.jpg http://img91.imageshack.us/my.php?image=nwn0000knr3.jpg http://img91.imageshack.us/my.php?image=nwn0000fss9.jpg


But we never got to Car'lobber anything...


terrible character imo

Finally the rothe outside the city feel safe... That man ate more bacon than i thought would be possible. What killed him, i bet the dm's made him have a heart attack.

The land of eternal steak. It's definitely a part of Heaven. Oh yeah. Ah....


Sorry for all caps, but this is a major moment in my personal history. I'd like to thank all the little people...

carl was cool, opposite of the ever present uncool

in this screenshot his coolness takes form of a vibrant red aura

Dead fat guy.


I enjoyed perching on your shoulder.

Man, I hated Carl. Absolute bastard, loved hating him. Great character! :P

Fat waste of space.

Fun fact:

I created the phrase "Carlobbering".

A great example of how the watch does not always have to operate as Lawful, or good, to protect this city.

He shall be missed.




Great char, Krunto!

Krunto, PM.

Carl was Carl, yeah. REAL flavor Carl-taste like.


Carl McDougal and Mieredo Talanger, separated at birth?

Carl was cool. I loved spreading Carl-stories, and making fun of him ended up being kind of fun, too. Looking forward to your next character.

It's Carl-time!

Kids, this is what happens when you devour too much pie as an old man in a military/police service! :)

But yeah, Carl was a great character. Too bad he had to kill Pvt. Radoslav and take out a possible recomendation I may of had with him. No hard feelings.

He gave me quite a beating actually. Took like, two three swipes to take my Paladin to the ground in a sparring match. He was a PUSHOVER on the feild.

Okay, here is my Tribute to a great char :)

Can you feel the love for him by everyone when he was almost dead...

And this is him working to get someone to stoning, i belive it was Plobipilipop or someone else, dont remember...

Nice played !

Hot Caaaaaaaaaaaaaarl!

Watch Questioning Techniques 101

Debasing Lower Scumbags. Best part of the job.

Ah, I remember Carl during a raid on the trolls. Good times! 8)

little known fact: Carl was the unholy lovechild of Krunto and Wiggyboy. If you thought he seemed oddly familiar somehow, that's probably why.