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[A letter for H. Vargas, Crone]

Scribbled in a sloppy hand, with a noticably horrible rhyme-scheme

Master Vargas, Or do you prefer Hancer? I've a lovely deal, of which I wish an Answer. The rival of Crone, a rather large bull, Currently has an owner that's null.

Land that was rented to the Duergar by a friend of I, But I'm told you're a rather swell guy.

As a token of appreciation for the city that has served, I wish to give Cyrus what I feel he should be deserved.

I shall find you so we can speak, Of frankly a deal of which the gold would make our backs weak. Be it for storage or land, or a place to keep hired hand The minotaur has been slain, And a new master is sought, To protect the land I've for so hard fought.

-Rhymin' Simin', The Bardastic gob-lin