Home > Lower Sanctuary

[A notice on the face of the minotaur]

[On the face of the minotaur, scribbled in a sloppy hand]



Leave word for Rhymin' Simin' in the sanctuary below sanctuary with best offer.

-Rhymin' Simin', the Bardastic gob-lin, seeking to sell land to fill his coffer.

As the previous notice was removed by cleaning, a new one appears upon the face of the minotaur

This land was owned, I'm afraid good sir, By others who dwelt before the Duergar stir, With his passing, he down in the dirt, Ownership of this territory did he divert.

Leave word at Goblin Town if you wish a bid, To own this land as he, good sir, did.

It was held long 'fore he, As he rented it from me.

-Rhymin' Simin' the Bardastic Gob-lin