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Jacelyn Cheval: Speech on next term policies and ideals

Beloved citizens,

I will keep this speech of mine brief, we all have our duties, and speaking on past the turn of night will not benefit anyone besides our fine innkeepers. I will be running once more for Councillor next term, and once more I ask for your support in the election to come. You know me to be a capable Councillor, dedicated to the office, and all that it represents. You know me to be a consistent Councillor, staying in office longer than any other current candidate but Wyric Crowshire, who has since grown comfortable and timid in his position. And you know me to be a fair Councillor, putting the interests of the many above the few.

Taxes will remain as they are with me in Council, save the new legislation that has recently been passed, designed for more equitable and fair trade practices within Sanctuary and to keep out streets clean. Do not heed those candidates who would promise lower taxes with claims of targeting the rich, and sparing the poor. Our taxes, as they are, target the rich, and spare the poor and many proposed new taxes by other candidates are unfeasible and near impossible to fairly implement with our current structure; requiring more coin to be spent on tax collection and regulation, than will be collected. Our current system is very simple, and should remain that way, the more land and buildings you own, the more tax you will pay. If you own no land, you effectively, pay no tax. This system is similar to many powerful and influential surface systems and should remain.

With me in Council, raids to cull Chosen numbers will continue, until their attacks against our people cease. Defenses such as the new gate, brought about by my initiatives, in the Canal Ward will continue to be bolstered with me in Council, until the area is secure and trade with friendly and neutral settlements along the dark lake can begin. I hope to relieve some of the strain on Watchmen in the Canal Ward with individual contracts issued to various local mercenary companies, who will be subservient in authority to Watchmen. With the support of merchants such as Belo Macasta, I promise to do all in my power to bring back our city's former prosperity, that the anti-trade laws of past Councils has since destroyed.

I will do all that I can to bring paid work to those of you who have lost your livelihoods to the slow down of trade. I will continue my stern-handed but just, approach with criminals, yet I promise my guilty sentences will instead fall to more traditional stonings, as opposed to my second last sentence, which was influenced by the teachings of Hoar. I promise to represent the moderate citizen, not giving into impossible idealism at the expense of lives and our safety, but not falling to the rank corruption and tyranny some gods preach. My ideal budget this term will have a slightly lower Watch fund, in favour of a small increase in discretionary funds. I hope to see new defense technologies and magic realized with Council support of Spellguard research initiatives.

This is what I shall strive to do and maintain next term. Do not fall into the traps some of these new, unproven candidates have set for you. Offer me your votes, and I will continue to dedicate my life to bring Sanctuary out of the ashes of past wars and disasterous mistakes.

My friends, thank you for your ears and time, together we can bring a new age of glory to our town. Be safe!