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Class list on home page

Perhaps adding something about classes to the home page would be nice. I would consider this EftU instruction manual and something there about classes would be nice.

Being a noob I can say without remorse that I am not going to read the over 128,000 posts in this forum. I’ve ‘searched’ for things I was looking for but if they don’t jump out and bite me in a search then I am not going to see them. For instance, there are 5 pages of threads about classes...

Class changes can be found Here As can most answers of questions you will ask. after all, it is the great faq.

This May also interest you.


Let me try to reiterate this thought...

What I am saying is, when I first heard about the EftU server, (somebody posted a link to it on my site); I went to and read some of the home page info. I then went and checked out the server with a kind of test character. Deciding I liked what I had read and seen, I then re-read all and printed some other parts of the home page information. From my noob perspective, the forum site wasn’t even an option yet, although I poked my nose in here, I didn’t join yet and therefore only seen part of what is offered in here. I noticed the number of posts and knew then I wasn’t going to be able to read all the threads in here.

What I am suggesting is, most noobs to EftU (like myself) are going to go through the home page info first. It’s my opinion that having a ‘classes’ section on the home page, listing the few class updates would be helpful.

Yes. Much of the website material is out of date or needs more information to be complete, as can be seen in "Prominent Figures", "Chat Text Commands", and "Sub-races". Most changes that have to do with classes, though, can be found in the "Mechanics Changes" list. These are not fully up-to-date, either, mind you.

Our entire website should probably be completely overhauled.

It is definitely very challenging to present the right amount of information to new players at the right time, though. There's just such a staggering amount - canon info, info about roleplaying, rules, custom rules, mechanics changes, non-canon setting info, advice, and so on.

But yes, it is stuff we should improve upon.

Here I was thinking to ask how much digging & research was expected before even 'thinking' of entering the EfU server, but here someone has a topic up already. I ran into what seemed like an old-and-returning player last night, and from the tells we exchanges, I apparently sounded extremely depressing on the grade RP has devolved into on the server. I hopefully didn't scare him off, as I did try to clarify how insular my knowledge is, but I've been floating around here a month and have maybe 2-3 'commonly known' big events in my memory. Plop offed a merchant, Clara had some incident in lower, and flying Chosen struck Upper's marketplace. Hard to compete with that against stories of Pale Masters, some Scholar fellow, and endless story rich romps. 8)

To put it simply, unless you excrete pure blocks of enthusiasm and an endless natural drive, I don't see EfU as a grand entry point for novice RPers to dive right into. I'm likely being cynical to an extremity here, so *chain of excuses and apologies*.

Actually, Jiachi, I'm just sort of having trouble understanding your post. Are you saying that the quality of EfU RP has decreased, or...?

I think hes trying to say that EFU isn't for people new to the roleplaying experience, if not then disregard this post completely.

People have to start somewhere.. and wether your thrown in the deep end or the shallow bit, you still need to learn to swim. I started Roleplaying on EFU and never looked back... Its ability to enthrall you is simply mind blowing... Now here I am a year and a half later helping any newbies that run around clueless asking where the uber loot is or whacking guards and mausoleum doors and showing them how to play here... If they like it then they stay, if not then they leave... Ether way I've tried to contribute to our community by showing a potiental new member how to play here.

and thats all I've got in me, totally off topic but yeah the website does need a massive haulage :)

Maybe this would be less cryptic...

Information is a PITA to gather IG, especially while remaining in character, and trying to avoid prolific Tells. Things don't get much better on the forums, as most of it is technically 'under lock and key' unless you find a specific, usually PC, source IG first. Of the few players I do meet IG, most RP no more than necessary. Those I encounter who truly RP are such worlds away in ability, that I can't respond quickly/eloquently enough to do their words justice, let alone keep from getting dazed/lost in the conversation. Hmm, I need to get out more, my capacity to clarify might still be rather lacking. 8)

*groan* ^ That was me, of course.

Edit: I should probably move any further thoughts I have to General Discussion, as I'm likely to kill this thread's original purpose if I continue rambling here. 8)

Classes :

Assassin - unchanged

Barbarian - as the vanilla game but with the following changes : Charisma score adds to Rage strength and Con increase, 10% Damage reduction to physical attack, additional 10% DR and movespeed at level eight

Bard - unchanged

Cleric - must have a correctly spelled deity in the character sheet and domains must consist of those allowable for priests of that deity

Druid - movespeed increases while in non-town areas, wildshape and Animal companion altered to underdark theme, must have a nature deity entered in character sheet

Dragon Disciple - unchanged

Pale master - improved undead summons and Str and Con boost, negative energy resistance, pos energy vulnerability

Ranger - as Druid and increased Search Spot and Listen at level five while in wilds, FAvored Enemy gains a to hit bonus in addition to the vanilla games damage bonus.

Rogue - some changes to stealth and Use magic device. Stacking traps and outright killing a PC with multiple high damage traps is not allowed.

Sorceror and Wizard - replaced normal familiars with Underdark ones

Fighter - unchanged

Weapon Master - saves Bonus, Bonus cleave feat, Bonus Blinding Speed feat

Shapeshifter - may become any race in the module

General Notes -

All PrCs must be applied for and worked toward in game

All summons spells are changed, have a much shorter duration than the vanilla games 24 hours, and will be altered depending on your cleric domains and summon reagent used, summoning undead may be considered a crime

Many spells are altered in most cases tweaked to become weaker or more flavorful.

Spell Focus : Abjuration now affects the strength of spells cast from that school.

Bards, Rangers, and to a lesser extent Barbarians can expect to encounter a lot of class-specific items

Wands purchased from PCs are very helpful in surviving and you forfeit being able to use them if you play a pure barbarian or fighter

Craft Weapon and Armor now do nothing. Craft Traps is used by Dms when applicable to determine how knowledgeable and handy your character is regarding machinery.

I think I've about covered it, others may correct or add more, hope this helps.