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More Money in Your Pockets! Vote Rimferrin!

[these flyers seem to be -everywhere- in the residential district, though some can be found in the main section of old sanctuary]

Citizens, Are you tired of paying taxes, leaving yourself with little to spend on the finer things? Are you tired of watching the rich get richer, While you 'just get by'?

Dimemnelen Rimnelennus Rimferrin is here to change that!

I intend to reduce the landowner's tax Significantly, And begin charging the adventurers who seem to be swimming in riches from their quests. This will lighten the load on the taxpayers.

But there is more!

I will return a portion of these taxes on the adventurers, who bathe in gold, to YOU, the taxpaying, hardworking landowners!

A Vote for Rimferrin is a vote for more gold in the pockets of all.

Vote for prosperity, and comfortable living! Vote Rimferrin!

The Other Candidates all promise great things, yes. They are good goals, and noble things. But they all neglect to mention one thing!

How will they pay for it all? The current Economy is in shambles, which is why the watch has equipment is not as good as it could be, why the defenses are not as good as they could be.

Dimemnelen Rimnelennus Rimferrin is here to change that!

I will forge trade agreements with the non-slaving settlements nearby, Including the clan of Shield Dwarves, and I will attempt to make such an agreement with the Svirfneblin tribes as well.

But what does this mean for you?

This means once the agreements are arranged, the Various shortages around town will soon be over. Supplies will not be overpriced, and cost of living for the landowners and taxpayers will decrease, which will allow us to lower taxes even further, putting more money in your pockets to support your families!

What does this mean for adventurers?

The end of the metal shortage will mean lower costs for weapons, armor, shields and helmets. More supplies available to merchants will mean cheaper supplies for any adventuring needs! Lower prices for supplies and equipment, will effectively put more money in their pockets!

But what about your Tax proposals? The other candidates say they will be impractical, and too much effort to implement! Nothing could be further from the truth! Though my competition are not lying, they simply misunderstand the simplicity of it. We will not be having the watch, or any other new task force, running around waylaying adventurers to take their tax. Taxes on adventurers will be a regular fee, incorperated into the fees they already pay. For adventurers, things like staying in the Inns, or making sendings, will cost a few more gold. A portion of the total of this tax, will then be returned to the landowners, at the end of each term. This putting even more money in your pockets!

But Won't this end up costing the adventurers more money, taking money from their pockets instead?

Not at all!

With the money they save from lower equipment and supply costs from the merchants, they can easily afford to pay this small additional cost, and still have much more money in their pockets than before!

Remember Citizens, The ideals proposed by the other candidates Are Good ideas. But they cost money, and with the current Economy, it is you who will pay for them, with your taxes, which may need to be raised.

Vote for Rimferrin, For a better, heailthier economy which can provide better defence, better jobs, better financial security, without costing YOU, the landowners, a fortune

Vote for Dimemnelen Rimnelennus Rimferrin, for more money in Your Pockets!

[reposted and refreshed!]