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Goodbye for now

I've had a great time on your server and have very much enjoyed the company. I'll be back when I can.

Bye Winston, and hope to "see" you again sometime. Helios, Stark, Nicholas, Talcum. You made your mark.

Take care buddy.


See ya soon I hope. Take care.

Fare ye well! *Waves*

Aw man...now who am I gonna hide behind on p0w3rl3v3L1nG runs???

Take care man...we'll see you when you fail your DC 30 must play NWN save ;)

Oh noes! :(

Take care man, I hope to see you back soon. Sooner or later you will need to escape the clutches of real life!

Hope to see you kicking around soon, WM.

Sad to see you go for now, but I hope you're back soon!

Have fun and good luck with whatever it is you're going to be doing!

- K.

Come back soon Winston! Your characters were a lot of fun and even in the evil ones I could tell you're a nice guy behind the character. Hope to see you back sooner than later.