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Shadow Journal

*This journal is black bound, with black pages and a odd writing. It seems to require a cipher or key word to decipher the passages.*

The First Clue

It seems like ages I have wandered this place, this "Sanctuary". I've used so many disguises at this stage it's hard to keep track. Who to be shy infront of, who to be humble with, who to be arrogant with, who to be common with, and so on. If I'm confused I can only imagine how others view it.

The tower, my unlikely benefactors continue thier silent game. No orders, or real assignments, only glimpses at power that is slow to come.

I will more likely see my fourth century before they give anything of worth, still they provide security for the time and that is enough until I move further along the path.

I found the first signs of the past today. In books oddly enough. Never would have imagined the elaborations would be so simple with so many secrets.

Of course if the government here knew I'm sure they would panic, probably riot knowing this lot. They would most likely view me as more of a threat then a savior. It is only because they cannot imagine what "She" will inflict upon them if I am second to the prize. My own pursuits are personal as will be my vegenance, yet she would bury this place in such chaos they could hardly imagine. I dare not mention for fear that her arrival could at any time put me in a precarious situation. For now I have time.

I am still confident the failure was ego more then anything. I must keep my humility and paranoid nature above all. For chasing shadows is exactly what I intend to do.

My knowledge of my skills remains limited at best, against my superiors wishes I shall soon be forced to expand into more expirmental tests. Still I doubt they will notice, for the time being they are to occupied with chasing thier own shadows.

My days offer more fruition as time continues. A series of events have cascaded neither of which I can control at this stage. Still for the time the situation moves forward, which is all I can hope for.

My vaunted prizes from the spellguard remain minimal at best and outside sources are offering far more valuable gifts. Still I have an assignment and perhaps if performance proves adequate I shall see what the tower can offer.

A woman named Morwen approached me the other day. She mentioned she knew this Elrindra person. My first clue has paid off it appears, of course I thought Elrindra to be some sort of keyword. Then again it couldn't possibly be so easy a clue, for such a large prize.

Her glances and gazes seem to relay that my visage stirs her memory. Then again the resemblance must be rather striking, though I can only imagine. The hood proves less and less useful, more and more I find myself needing the gifts only the shadow plane can offer.

I look around often, and wonder what they would all say, what they would all do, if any one of them knew. Still I must keep to myself for a time. I have discovered I am not the only one to fall weak to a pair of femine eyes in this place, infact it almost seems a epidemic.

My first expirement proved fruition, such knowledge, I can only imagine where the others will lead.....

The next step

Now my time seems to be enthralled in work, indeed my previous ideas about lack of things to do have quickly vanished. My workload mounts each dark and the tasks and dangers that accompany it continue at a hectic pace.

I have stumbled upon the next clue again, once again it is in a simple location, it only lacked invidiuals with the foresight to question it, and to reason it. I doubt I am the first to seek this prize and I will certainly not be the last.

Politics in sanctuary are an amusing creature at best, each person conjuring up the best use of words, ideas, and actions to try and get a handful of votes. Of course few know what await, indeed if they did or if this city did, it may abolish that position all together.

I am left with searching for two symbols now, I can only imagine how many clues and hurdles I must overcome before I hold such a powerful prize myself. Still, it gives me direction and I am inclined to think the remnants of druids will hold what I seek. The amount of people the prize touches, who remain oblivious, is as always, astounding to me.

The second expirment proved fruition, though far to dangerous, other tests are put on hold till the symbols are found, and next clue on the path revealed.