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Rhade Kaen

He was never a mainstream character, nor did he ever do much of anything high scale enough to be given any real great infamy. Though I hoped my last act of summoning a vampire with create greater undeed, would have done that. had I lived. But I did nt, and here is the screenshots!

My first, and what I thought would be my last death on Rhade. This event, and the events that followed, were perhaps the most DM attention I've ever hadon EFU. Thanks to the two involved, and DM's Sherry and Sinister S.

Just one of those lol moments. For awhile, I had a massive kobold army, all calling me master. Sadly enough, they were slaughtered about forty minutes after assembly. Talk about low expected shelf life!

Rhade socialized with a few people in his breif trips into the city. Spreading discord was a favourite of his. Messing with people's minds was something he loved to do.

He Certainly did a lot of foul work. Here is some of his work in the red skull temple, where much of his deeds took place.

More shenanigans in the temple. This was some of my more enjoyable PVP, and I feel it was immensely fun lying to this poor orc. He reallly thought there was a curse. :) Also, the "only one *torture*, was rather amusing.

And conclusion...

Yes. This was rather fun as well. I got to preach Cyric, and torture someone. Poor little halfling.

This one.. well, Just because Kaz never had a thread. Cheers, AKMatt. You were a fun minion until I got you killed.

Quite possibly the shortest Trial ever. But the RP along hte way was fun as hell. Well done by all involved.

And lastly, Brought to the Arena to be executed in the Gladiator's ring. Quite the crowd.

This character, while extremely difficult to make friends and gather gruops with, aside from the usual minions - Was incredibly fun. There were betrayals, lies, murders, maimings, and more. He was every bit the villain I always wanted to play, even if he never got famous.

He, in my view, confirms my beleif you do not -need- constant DM attention to make a fun character, that seriously impacts those they meet. Aside from the two respective bits held by Sherry and Sinister S, Rhade only met with four other DM encounters, being PVP and his trial/execution.

Four times, in his Month or so?) Of existance. It proves to me at least, you do not -need- DMs to have fun, you do not -need- super ridiculous quests to gain phat loots in order to be awesome. Even my ability to cast Create greater undead, was not gained as part of a DM thing.

I guess I'm writing this, as sorto f a rambling of why EFU is fun for me. My characters never impact the whole server, and I almost never get DM attention, aside from PVP. But I am happy. The people my characters meet are excellent, and my characters are always changed by them. I know my characters effect theirs as well, More than once I have changed someone's Entire concept, as they did Mine. DMs are not required for fun, they simply are here to occasionally make things exciting.

They do not need to be there, And if they do cool things for you, It's great. But if not, remember. Us little people are what make the server great. Not the Phat loot. Not the DM quests. It is the Stories of our characters.


Thanks for the mention, but let's get one thing straight: Kaz was never your minion. As he told you when we met, he was willing to work with you on joint business ventures, and that was the extent of their relationship.

Now that that's aside: congrats on an awesome character. Rhade pwned so hard.

Oh, no! Realm and Molly's secret has been revealed! :D

Damnit Primotris! You should have had me in on this last bit! I would've wanted to crash the party at the arena and save Rhade (or, at least try to).

Great to see Hold having his ass kicked again. Good memory's.

I had a shorter trial, though. I attacked my counselor before he even entered the courtroom. I never even walked into a courtroom, was just stoned. xD

Great character! Interesting as anything. Although I still don't see why he did go 't3h d3adzorz' earlier.

Cant wait to see what you roll up next ((Make it something manipulatable so I can get some more cult members. xD))

A good Cyrist. Well played.

Rhade Kaen (Primotris)

This character was created on Friday, February 29th at 02:11:27 PM. Since creation, this character has logged on and off 54 times. The character has spent 2 days, 18 hours, 43 minutes, and 38 seconds online.

Fun fact.

Also -

Kotenku A good Cyrist. Well played.
A compliment from kotenku? :o

Was sweet rp'ing with you, and I stand by my tell...Torturing that half-orc was infact the coolest rp/pvp moment for me thus far. Although, the various ganks were more nervewrecking.

No more safety for Khexir, sadly. Guess I'll have to find someone else to bow and scrape for.

Thanks for editting Daven's name out of that screenshot. <_<