2008-03-23 20:55:13 UTC
Just curious how long uncompleted quests/deliveries stay in your journal and/or active.
I accepted a delivery mission only to realize after about an hour of wandering around that I had no clue where I was actually supposed to go. I thought I had an idea (first mistake ... lol) of where it was I was supposed to head ... but no go.
I tried looking up some of the key words of the quest on the forum, only to find discussions that were for a MUCH higher level character/group than the little mission I have. All I'm supposed to do is deliver a message. The NPC I got the mission from shows info of lvl 3-5, size 1. So my PC is of the correct level.
ACK! >^oO^<
2008-03-23 21:04:56 UTC
Quests remain in the journal until a server reset, at which point they can be taken again, assuming you're of the right level range.
2008-03-23 21:05:19 UTC
The quest will stay in your journal and active until server reset or until you go back to speak to the quest giver and cancel the quest. In the case of the low level delivery quests, usually the quest system allows other people to take them at the same time as you. With other quests, though (anything that requires combat, I think) it is courteous to go back and give up on the quest so others can take it. These quests do not allow multiple parties to take them at the same time, because you have to enter the quest area, and it wouldn't work out with multiple parties doing so.
If you take a difficult delivery quest upon yourself (as I'm guessing the one you mentioned was) you might have to ask around for people to point you in the right direction. It may even be useful to hire a guide if the NPC asked you to deliver something to a location outside Sanctuary.
2008-03-23 23:11:47 UTC
Mind that we may have an issue right now where journals aren't being reset at all. I still need confirmation, but it appears to be the case.
2008-03-24 03:30:10 UTC
At the risk of giving spoilers .... feel free to edit this if needed ...
It's taking the message from Aurelius Natch at the Shadow Embassy to Sslal'teesh.
I know that other people can take the quest at the same time. My hubby was partied with me and we had to each take the quest separately. He was able to take it immediately after I did.
If you "look" at Natch, it says lvl 3-5, size 1. However, when I did a forum search for Sslal'teesh or Shadow Tribe ... holy crap!! ... the discussions I saw on the forum were for obviously much higher level characters.
Silly me didn't think to just start asking people about a guide ... DOH!
2008-03-24 06:35:26 UTC
.....If you "look" at Natch, it says lvl 3-5, size 1. However, when I did a forum search for Sslal'teesh or Shadow Tribe ... holy crap!! ... the discussions I saw on the forum were for obviously much higher level characters.....
Keep in mind that the lizard town and the Shadow Tribe have had several major plot lines entwined with them, all of which have involved higher level characters. These plots are not related to the Shadow Tribe quest specifically.
2008-03-24 06:36:59 UTC
Forum searching on here for help on quests will yield no results, most likely. I don't think the Dms allow those kinds of spoilers to be posted.
If you need help, try asking someone IC'ly IG for directions.
2008-03-24 08:04:55 UTC
What you have found are references to something else. On that note, though, several of our quest giver descriptions are not up to date - we're working on a system to change that.
2008-03-25 01:25:07 UTC
With other quests, though (anything that requires combat, I think) it is courteous to go back and give up on the quest so others can take it. These quests do not allow multiple parties to take them at the same time, because you have to enter the quest area, and it wouldn't work out with multiple parties doing so.
On that same note ... I have the feeling people also start them with good intentions and then either get killed IG or interrupted IRL and so then the quest stays tagged to them. Me & the hubby have both tried to get a particular quest several times now (a relatively simple low level one) that has been constantly tied up for extremely long lengths of time by single player(s). Matter of fact, last night the person that took the quest then logged off the server >.<
Forum searching on here for help on quests will yield no results, most likely. I don't think the Dms allow those kinds of spoilers to be posted.
I wasn't really looking for specific spoilers per se .... more like general discussion, journal writings, etc that might point me in the right direction. At least that was my hope ... lol. But you are correct, I didn't find anything much of help.
I still don't have a flamin' flippin' clue which direction I'm even supposed to be headed. I guess I'm just going to have to get over my IG shyness and actually approach people. :shock: *hides*
2008-03-25 01:29:40 UTC
Which character are you playing? I'll try and hook up with you.
2008-03-25 01:44:31 UTC
Added my characters to my sig ... figured that's the easiest way to keep track of 'em ;)