On a scale of 1 to lame, 1 being not lame and lame being like 10, how lame is it to use songs that exist IRL? I know it's always better to use something of your own design, but if I want to break out a lute solo in homage to Freebird, what's the ruling?
Bards, Songs, Music
So long as it is appropriate for the IG setting and does not break immersion, go for it. I played a bard in lower recently that quoted RL poems and songs that were real, just not known at all.
Just don't do stuff for the LOL or that will break immersion please.
EFU is about being creative. Plagiarism is hardly creative at all. I would set a blanket rule here and tell you that if you are going to use any material, make sure it is your own.
Edit: Above is just a personal opinion. We talked it over and decided that as long as it is tasteful and in small doses, a little plagiarism is okay.
Obviously the two above posts are conflicting and may cause some confusion. We as a DM team will let you know the results of our backyard brawl to hash this out.
I'm able to post in this topic because I started it.
Obviously I wouldn't make every song a Leonard Skinner song, but once in a while is okay, yeah?
The main thing is to not be so blatant about it.
Don't sing 'Sanctuary Watch' to the tune of Karma Police.