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Journal Entries staying over reset

Quest entries (both completed and not) stayed in my journal over the reset. Quests can still be taken as normal now, though.

Happened to me as well with current character "Sam Farvardin".

First time, all entries remained. Most recent reset, only two remained.

One pertaining to the "Salvage Pit" from the Engineer, which is an open quest entry that when speaking to the Engineer results in "Sam Farvardin cannot take more than 1 instance of this quest" and consequently cannot be closed.

The other is "Delivery: to the Helmite Shrine" completed quest entry... which perhaps comes from attempting the Ice delivery quest and returning the ice to Davino two resets ago (as I can still take the Helmite Shrine quest).

Sounds like a pretty serious problem! :(

Happened to me with Coria Krows, temple of Hoar quest.

This has happened again. Quests are still possible to do.

Wait, so you can still retake the quests normally after a reset, even if they are still present in your journal? If so, just don't look at the journal. <_<