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FYI I AM A SPY actually no i am no longer dm ad permolestus

TL;DR at bottom

After some thought and discussion with the other members of the dm crew i have permanently retired from the dm client. Although I enjoyed working with some of you on things by and large it was a drag and just not something i was getting a lot of joy out of. In fact I grew to be aggravated by it.

I apologize if this comes as an interruption in some of your plans but trust me there are enough motivated individuals on the other side of the fence (where the grass is not necessarily greener) to make your WILDEST DREAMS COME TRUE not unlike a certain US messianic presidential candidate.

I enjoyed playing a hell of a lot more than dming. There is a certain personality requirement DM'ing well, requires for lack of a better word, for you to be able to do it for long spans of time. I think its patience. I dont know. Whatever it is they have it; i dont. I tried it, i went away, i tried, went away, tried etc and it just got to be too much. I can't code. I can't script. When I open the toolset my head hurts if i'm not using a wizard. If I had my way I would break the magic level of this server and turn it into a vorpal holy sword free for all. But I digress:

Being a DM may be something you aspire to, but you have to realize furthering a story or making something happen is only a part of it and a minority part at best. These guys spend a lot of time working on things you will never see or interact with to make the EFU experience a whole lot smoother. The scripts and programs involved are highly complex and I couldnt begin to describe or fathom them. Hosting fees, efusql, efuqs, this database, that chatlog, people cyb0ring (ok that parts always funny but still), who wants this, who wants that, i have no idea what the plotline is theres no thread on it holy crap ill wing it oh i did it wrong. And thats not all of it you people have no idea what its like over there and whats coming down the pike. Its frustrating for a simplistic southern conservative lawyer mind. Give me beer, baseball, and taunt-power attack. Give me a plot hook, give me enemies, friends, and lots of chances to throw in an inappropriate real life reference for humor. Give me an emote so long, overworded, and overcomplicated Kiaring has to put down her hash pipe and squint to say, literally, "WTF mate"

when logging in as a dm becomes "oh god what do the little bastards want now" instead of "what fun can i wreak today" its time to hang it up. im not a parent or babysitter for the pcs. i may never be a parent or babysitter. i dont want to be one now. However, I will find time to play because when i play i dont have to deal with perpetually pissing gnomes or questions i couldnt possibly come up with an answer for. I run quests, gather loot, develop relationships, plot and scheme, shoot the shit, or engage in long OOC tells with magister about chicks, life in general, or my law practice while hacking through all the lvl 3-7 quests we call "the XP train."

With that being said I'm going back to work I have to meet with FBI and ATF agents tomorrow and they hate my client (who decided after being found guilty on 3 counts with a max sentence of 20 years hey its time for me to tell all! I couldnt have done this months and months ago and maybe gotten probation or a very minimal sentence with time served oh no that would make effing sense) with the heat of a thousand fiery suns and they think he's basically full of shinola, not unlike a certain messianic US presidential candidate, which he is, like said candidate.

TL;DR - im never gonna dm again, dming sux dont ask to be one, i will pc, i will kill you, my next char will probably result in dozens of pc and hundreds of NPC deaths. Also LOL, OBAMA. Just remember brother love loves you


YOUVE SAID WHAT IVE BEEN TRYING TO SAY! DMING IS NOT FUN. Whats the point of knowing all these Foigs When you do noting to find it out? Plus will be being a pc fun when you know all the spoilers?

dude i dont know all the spoilers. you think i took the effort to read the PAGES AND PAGES of stuff about hell just even the watch not to mention the 9 million other factions, storylines, plotlines, npc notes, pc notes, DM bugs etc. you should see what the dms see when they log into the forum the damn thing reads like a mobius strip of neverending subforums!

Honestly you and a lot more people have been on quests i havent been on, been in areas i havent. trust me there is so much out there i dont know you have 0 threat of me metagaming private sten's personal feelings about butterflies (oops did i say that)

just to keep in mind how behind the times i am the last time i played regularly (as a pc) WE HAD TIGEREYES

Sad, though, No more random OMGbear stuff. Glad you have been, as you so tactly put it, been "free'd from the shackles".

I run quests, gather loot, develop relationships, plot and scheme, shoot the shit, or engage in long OOC tells with magister about chicks, life in general, or my law practice while hacking through all the lvl 3-7 quests we call "the XP train."

Outted. Damn

PS - wcsherry is a total fox.

Thanks for trying, Bear. Much love for all you did.

Indeed. What I saw, despite your feeling, y'did pretty good.

That said,

Totally need to rock again, as PC's.

We haven't pwnt since Elves had green goatees. Need to fix that.

For what it's worth, I really enjoyed the few instances that I got to experience your DM'ing! Anyway. Hopefully you'll have more fun in the near future.

We all eagerly await


Soon in major theaters near you.

Now, who is insane enough to be a DM?

Not me.

I couldn't handle all the tells I would get.

I would have the "Kill player" emote on 24/7

Sad to see you go Bear, FOR THE RED GRIFFIN!

Stens feelings on Buterflys *gasps*

I am a sad panda now. :(

You're coming back? I think I might too.

*rummages for CD's*

I still want to be a DM.

Glad you found what you want to do Bear. I hope you can now have some fun!

And Lovethesuit, that avatar is destroying my brain.

Since your not a DM anymore, think you could tell us what we would've gotten had we killed that dragon?

Just kidding. I DON'T want to know!

Pup Since your not a DM anymore, think you could tell us what we would've gotten had we killed that dragon?

Just kidding. I DON'T want to know!

A pat on a back and bag of holding already (somehow :/) full of goblin shit.

On behalf of all the foolish players, i'd sincerly like to apologize if we've made you not enjoy the dming side of the fence.

This is a great game, the dms are really cool and involved, and it requires a lot of work, dedication, effort, patience and altruism on their part. Thanks for trying and succeeding.

Letsplayforfun: I cant blame you guys for being who you are. Players ask questions in DM channels and request possessions and thats WHAT YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO DO by and large. I just dont know the answers to some questions and i dont know how some npcs behave and it got confusing and annoying.

Its not your fault or anyone elses fault but my own for not being up to the task.

Don't blame yourself. Being a DM is a tough job. You had a shot at it. That's an achievement by itself. If you don't like it, we can't blame you either for being who you are. Although EfU wouldn't work without DMs, we can't force you to do something you don't want.

Be proud. Even if you didn't enjoy it, I bet most of us think you did a good job. Happy retirement :P

Random_White_Guy Indeed. What I saw, despite your feeling, y'did pretty good.

QFT, I thought it was great!

Your spice was very inventive. Quasi elemental plane of chocolate anyone?

...wasn't that illum?