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Frances Allegretti for Councilor

*posted prominently on the side of Town Hall*

Citizens of Sanctuary,

Today I announce my intention to run for a position as Councilor of Sanctuary. On this poster I hope to clarify a few of the goals I have in mind, and how, if elected, I will work to improve the city.

A little about me, first off: I am a Priestess in the service of Lurue, a surface goddess of intelligent beasts and patron of adventurers. I've served the city loyally as an adventurer and crafter of healing equipment, working cooperatively with many of the city's current factions. I worked with Dr. Profidious Vile for many months as a brewer of potions for Vile Industries, and recently was relieved of duty at the School of War where I taught lessons on enchantment magic and hosted tournaments. I support the work of the Spellguard and Watch in defending our city, and despite the occasional lapse in recruiting standards I have the utmost faith for the work they accomplish. I also openly oppose Councilor Redd's gladiator tournaments as they exist now, a viewpoint for which I and my associates were dismissed from our role as educators.

As a Councilor, there are a few specific goals I intend to pursue. First and foremost, trade and business must be encouraged as much as possible in order to allow for greater prosperity. Expeditions, publicly or privately funded, must be organized to seek out equitable and agreeable partners in trade, and public opinion must be taken into full account on which partners are reasonable. I know there's many people with concerns about trading with slaver races; I intend to make certain that these concerns are heard by all members of the Council, and that it continues to be that way long after my term is over.

Secondly, I intend to re-evaluate the non-interference policies regarding Lower Sanctuary and members of Upper Sanctuary's major factions, including the Council itself. I personally believe that total non-interference, including making Lower off-limits to law enforcement officials (outside certain specific conditions of dire consequence) is central to any plans that can quell the tension of both settlements. I'm aware that there currently are such regulations in place, but I'm also aware they're not being observed properly enough.

Thirdly, I want to improve the conditions of our defenders, specifically the Watchmen who have been posted in unenviable but necessary posts. I've heard grumbles and rumours of discontent, and I promise to do everything within my power to make sure that those who ensure our safety are made safe in return. Further, I intend to look into the issue of taxes and how they apply to Watchman families; although there's not always enough money available to improve standard wages, it may be possible to provide extra tax-related benefits to ease the burden of the costs involved with defending the city. The Canal Ward, an unfriendly post to many, must receive very special attention until it is safer and more comfortable for our citizens.

Finally, for now, I wish to make sure that private citizens and entrepreneurs outside of trading are also given fair and reasonable attention, as well as oppourtunity to flourish. I want to see about improving the overall conditions of the School of War, the Sanctuary Shelter, and any other private groups with something to offer for the betterment of life in Sanctuary.

As a Councilor, I will make it my mission to leave no letter unanswered, no merchant of sound promise to fall by the wayside, no threat of evil against our safety unpunished, and no life left to misery. By the Horn of Lurue, I will defend the righteous Sanctuary as a unicorn defends the forests, and root out corruption wherever it lies.

To those who oppose my run for Council I invite you to public debate of the issues.

By the grace of Lurue, may you be blessed with a life truly worth living, ~Frances Allegretti, Citizen

*these posters are replaced with fresh ones*