This dark I stumbled upon a very distressing scene. A regular check of the watch cell for prisoners, I discovered Private Sten standing, weapon drawn, on an unarmed woman in the cell.
In what semeed to be an argument, I pulled him aside and spoke with him. He informed me that the woman inquired the price of a fine for possession of poison, what I assume to be a simple inquiry of the law. He then said he was going to search her, and the woman offered him 100 gold to not waste his time, stating she did not have poison.
While I find his vigor, as always, refreshing.
He arrested her for bribing him. Set a fine. And it appeared that right before I walked in was fully intent on beating the fine from her.
This is a disturbing trend, especially after our brief discussion.
You publicly whipped him on the steps. He was suspended from arresting duties for a week. He has many grievances filed against him.
It is clear he does not have knowledge of the very law he upholds, as he believes "Bribery" is a crime, despite it not being on any law-book to my knowledge. I agree it is distasteful, hardly a crime. The fact he set a fine, on a mistaken law, then was about to beat an unarmed woman for it, is almost warranting of criminal charges.
I, as much as any individual, understand the notion of redemption and chances to fix the err of ones ways, but this is lucrative, and has gone on what seems to be far too long. We are always in troubled times. Troubled men are not needed defending this city. It has been proven time and again that he is unfit, after numerous attempts of teaching lessons, to serve in the Watch.
While I would suggest he be removed from service for his natural life, and I'm sure others would agree, if you feel such is too harsh, I would say perhaps a one-month suspension, upon completion of which he will be re-evaluated for service within this city's defense.
This latest ignorance of the law, coupled with what could have easily been charges filed against him by this woman (She appeared to have every intention of reporting such to the council before my assurance that you would be informed), moves me to suggest his immediate removal from service, citing this and previous grievance.
The way he continuously flirts with this line between law upholding and breaking, it may not be long before he does something that irrepressibly damages a citizen, Or the reputation of the watch.
While I understand this is an internal issue, I will end there before I cross any lines on your authority. As a final note however, I and others may not always be there to pull him out of the fire. Had this woman reported the grievance or request of criminal charges pressed to the council, much trouble and a full internal investigation could have been warranted. Personally, I believe such to be a waste of our, theirs, and your time.
-Agent Elapidae