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this is both a question and a suggestion, but i only posted it here

i know someone will probably say FOIG, but here is my question

i know that when you poison a blade, it only lasts for so long, then "fades away" or whatever... but what if you wanted the poison to last LESS time.. here is an example

you plan an assasination of a character and plan to use poison, you attack the person, but for some reason you fail to kill him, leaving behind a "witness" to the fact that you have a poison coated blade. gaurds arrest you, examine your stuff, see the poison on teh blade... instant guilty verdict

HOWEVER, if there were a cloth, or bottle of water, or.. SOMETHING that allowed you to REMOVE the poison instead of it just wearing of in time... you could save yourself the headache

so here it is

question: is this already set up

suggestion: if not, can it be? (and please do not label it "poson removing cloth")

of course, i have yet to find out IG how long poison lasts, just thinking for a future character...

I don't think there is such an item. Personally, i'd be against getting the scripters to write in such an object.

As you say, poison doesn't last particularly long as it is anyway. Doesn't it 'disappear' off the blade once it's been used on someone? I'm too lazy to go and check.

I think the best thing I can say is - if you have poisoned your blade and stabbed someone with it, don't get caught, and make the guard search moot!