These posters are written in a large, bold, clear font and posted at just above halfling height.
The Gods are dead! And the debris that they left behind is our means to becoming the immortals that they were! The Gods as you know them now are but a shadow of what they once were. Omniscient, omnipotent; old, true, almighty powerful Gods. They were these things once long ago!And what goals would omniscient, omnipotent Gods have? What challenge would entice these perfect entities? But to perform the impossible! To destroy that which is omnipotent itself! And thus the Gods waged war against each other! Existence itself shook as they beat upon one another! Reality fluctuated and shifted! In their rage at one another, their--seemingly--infinite battle, they finally achieved the impossible.
The Gods, the omnipotent beings, finally destroyed one another. And in doing so they annihilated themselves! Their very beings exploded, scattered, and flung across all existence. The Gods' Debris is all that remains.
And the Gods' Debris, is how us mortals can ascend! To become as the Gods once were! The Debris is everything. It is all around us: space, matter, the invisible powers we cannot see but still manipulate! The remnants of these once powerful beings, the Debris is the world as we know it. It is us--life itself! And, most importantly...
The Debris is the magic that courses through the veins of some of us lucky individuals! The magic that some of you study and manipulate! The magic that some of you--think--have been bestowed!
Those of you of divine inclination will think these claims foul and treacherous. But it is the supposed Gods that give the supposedly divinely ordained their powers who are the true manipulators! These dead Gods are but corpses; they are but shadows; they are but ghosts. They would use you--you mortals--to regain the omnipotence they once held! But that is something we mortals need not give them!
For we ourselves have access to the Debris! If we give them their old powers--they will but go back to their infinite war and destroy us, the world as we know it in the process!
Instead, we can--must--grasp the remnants of these omnipotent beings--whether through sheer talent or tireless study--we can control the Debris--the magic! And we mortals can become the immortals these dead Gods once were! Would be immortals of the world! Grab a hold of the Debris! Entwine yourself into magic! And let not the old, dead Gods take it way from you!