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Sev Butz and Mebrith Galin

Finally over. I have never gotten so into a character as I have with Sev Butz and it's all because of the people and relationships she's gotten involved with.

I have a horrible habit of not taking screenshots at the best of times. But of course, not as if there's anything stopping me from doing so in the fugue!

Hey? Who are all of these people? Oh, now I remember, the party that decided to raid a Drow trading post!

A conversation that actually took place the first time Sev and Mebrith found themselves in the Fugue...

On the (second) return trip to the Fugue... Sev and Mebrith settle down and wait to get zoomed off to Arvandor.

There's so many people for me to thank and you can find just about all of them in one place. But still!

daJollyMole for all of the multitude of characters; Sev's story would've been so much different--nothing even--without them!

Cruzel, also for a few different characters, but especially for being one hell of a source of some immensely intense drama.

The Sentinel players--lazycat, p00d3m, Somniis, germain--along with Ebok, colin mack, lovethesuit, ShiftingAllegience, Shadowmischief, DjSpectre, MisterPAIN, kiaring for providing great friends, bouts of anger, insanity, and overall amazing moments.

Oh, and prestonhunt for "Lesbiants!"

Really, anybody who's spoken more than ten lines of text added to Sev and it was an absolute blast. Of course, the final thank you goes out to the people who make EfU possible: everybody, players, DMs, everybody.



Sev was awesome.

That she was i always thought it was funny at first as she kept getting the impression that Kyle wanted into her pants (okay he did) but he still wanted to be her friend and help her, she was a very deep character and it was a lot of fun watching her grow and change from Elindra's death to true happiness with Merebith. I wonder what the Blacked out bit says though.

Also thanks for the fun in the back room of the crone :P

Much fun. <3


There's so many people for me to thank and you can find just about all of them in one place. But still!

My eyes bleed whenever I read that thing. :(


daJollyMole for all of the multitude of characters; Sev's story would've been so much different--nothing even--without them!

Shameless self-promotion by daJollyMole, IMO.

But on a serious note, I've had heaps of fun messing around with Sev with each of my different characters, Caster, and it's a shame to see her go. :(

I look forward to seeing your next creation IG! It's really been a pleasure RPing with Sev, I take my hat off to you, sir.

Uh... and I really don't know what else to say, man. Keep it up! :D


I had the pleasure of Turning her into a complete bitch with Vilmar, Turning her into a mother with Merum, and Just plain annoying her with lerzon.

Merum will miss her :(

Sev too? Zounds!

Guess we aren't looking into that drow slaver caravan today?

First off, this sucks that now Drin will never get a few things done. Also, a great character. Glad to have interacted with her even if ICly I wanted to kill her at times.

Who else is in that picture with you?

I dont usually respond in these threads, especially for characters I didnt particularly care for one way or the other, but "Out of the way, Lesbiants!" Is still my favorite Brannigan moment, thanks for that!

djspectre Who else is in that picture with you?

The first screenshot also has Dodongo, Lucius, Asclepius, and Karley.

I just wish those characters had had a better end. The drow caravan raid was a farce, and there was absolutely nothing fun about the entire episode, at least for me. OOC I feel like I helped get 3 characters that are far better than I killed. IC I feel like I helped get 3 people who were far better than I killed. Asclepius is going to be a sad old man for a long while I think :cry:

Ha, yes that caravan was rough to say the least. It was fun at times (most of it was fun in fact), not so much at others.

I'm disappointed to see things end like that, but I suppose it makes sense for the characters and the players were alright about their perma'ing. EfU is tough and this quest is the toughest one that I've found. In fact, it is immensely more difficult than any other I've found. Thus, bad things happen when you fight really, really hard enemies.

All in all, I think this was all just a good lesson about survival. The Underdark is a scary, scary place. Assume no safety. Expect a painful death.

Good characters. I had a pleasure interacting with you both, and I'll see you in the next round of characters!

Sev struck me as a character with good depth, and even though we had very few moments of interaction, I really liked seeing her around.

A great character, to say the least.

I didn't see much of Sev in game but her journals were always good reading and really gave me a feel for the character. Good stuff Caster!


Never met Sev ingame, though I think she saw us make our doomed lower gate attack. That journal though....., well, hooray!!! lesbiants!!! Was a great read, and I always looked forward to your next entry.

You know. Sev did complete one of her dreams -

She found a forest.

this is frustrating that there is scripted quests and areas ive never seen IC or even as a dm and im getting tired of it i need to make captain awesome to do every quest and kill one of everything and thats why whenever a bunch of animals get together its called zoo!

OMGbearisdriving this is frustrating that there is scripted quests and areas ive never seen IC or even as a dm and im getting tired of it i need to make captain awesome to do every quest and kill one of everything and thats why whenever a bunch of animals get together its called zoo!


OMGbearisdriving this is frustrating that there is scripted quests and areas ive never seen IC or even as a dm and im getting tired of it i need to make captain awesome to do every quest and kill one of everything and thats why whenever a bunch of animals get together its called zoo!



Bear. I'll help you out :)

Lets roll a Dual concept?

Captain awesome and Lad astounding.


"Give it up druid, I'm sleeping with a woman!"

Good times..

I get away for a week and Sev is dead ... but she found forest first ... man I hate to loose cool stuff.

Sev was cool.

Again, nice move with the cursed notes.