The School of War shall now be allowing the following services- "Intro to Weavecraft" The First-tief course, Teaching Magical Theory, Basic Mage Tactics. Recommended for all fledgling and beginning weavers.
Current Enrollment: 0/5 "Put Down the Damn Crossbow", The Second-tier Course, Teaching and Applications of the Weave in Tactical situations beyond standing in the rear of the battlefield shooting a crossbow when you aren't casting. For those who take the initial class, or those capable of passing the "Intro to Weavecraft" proficiency exam.
Current Enrollment: 0/5 "Defense of the City and You", The Third-tier Course, Teaching wizards the proper and applicable ways to see that the City of Sanctuary continues to flourish. Includes accompanying a Spellguard Agent on a few of his more public duties about the city.
Advanced Course, Possibility of placement in life-risking positions Moderate. Those who pass the previous Course's exam are welcomed to enroll in this course
Current Enrollment: 0/3 "Harnessing the Power within", Third-tier course, Teaching in-depth tactics for War, Combat, Life.
Advanced Course, Possiblity of Placement in life-risking positions High. Those who pass the First Two Course exams are welcomed to enroll in this course
Current Enrollment: 0/3
"Spellguard Apprenticeship", Fourth-Tier course, Continuing the previously mentioned coursework, on a one-on-one personal basis with a spellguard agent. Completion of all previous courses recommended. Should you be able to pass all previous exams, Then you will be taken in on consideration.
This course is not in any way, shape, or form and official position within the Order. This is simply the highest offering of Skill and Teaching that can be given to any mage within this city.
High likely-hood of reccomendation for enlistment into the Elite Order of Spellguard Mages, should you prove proficient.
Odds of being placed in a life-risking situation100%! The Spellguard Agents who serve this city put their lives on the line, daily.
Current Enrollment: 0/1
Leave Word at the School of War for Elapidae, following the following format
Application Name: Casting Abilitly (Inate, Learned): Specialization: Circle Level Known: Current Employment: Deity: Course of interest:Why you are interested in learning the ways of the Weave.
//Please use the IC forums or PMs.