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Allivarn Fireheart, Merchant Priest of Waukeen

ALlivarn was perhaps the best character of mine to date, thanks to all who made him seem so awesome.

Allivarn's Armor, his pride and joy.


Nobanion, pfft.


<3 for Talos.




Illthied loot for the win!


(I forgot to screenie it's fat description)

Leslie's old shield, you dirty whore.


You get all sorts of people when playing a merchant (and attempts to lower the price.)


Oghma, my true love.

http://img145.imageshack.us/my.php?image=nwn0001hjpgru0.png (I was tempted on many occasions to wear this, <.<)

More coming!

Allivarn Fireheart (thomas_is_wise)

This character was created on Sunday, October 28th at 08:43:35 PM. Since creation, this character has logged on and off 615 times. The character has spent 17 days 21 hours 47 minutes and 46 seconds online.


btw way, Yes, he is dead, so stop spamming me on IRC.

That's some pretty sweet loot!

Congrats on having such an iconic character. Pretty much everybody IG knew who Allivarn was, even if most of us in Lower were jealous of his incedible wealth.

I am glad that you attained not only Leslie's shield, but Leonard's Nobanionite Shield.

I hope they served you well.

Rock on.

that's cool thomas, you're amazing

Put the links in so we can see them more easily!

Well done Thomas.

Go on with your bad self!

Man, I am impressed. I didn't have much to do directly with Allivarn, but he had a large impact on the server. Well played, Thomas. :)

<3 Allivarn

One of my favorite characters around.

Great job, Thomas!

(Anyone else noticing he's speaking in tells in just about every screenshot? :P)

Holy damn, he's dead.

Very well played, Thomas. I enjoyed watching his ups and downs.

Great long term character, and will leave a large hole to the merchant community. I had my doubts at first, but he really developed to be an interesting character. Shame to see him go, but it always is with great characters.

Ha, never fear Viconius. He produced a LONG line of children to supplement his family. Gotta keep those Fireheart genes going!

Firehearts > Baeledors? Vice versa? The family feud goes on!

Fun character Thomas. Good luck with your next!

quite the fattest Fireheart in all of the Underdark. Did he ever ever take advice about his weak heart and penchant for high fat foods? did he? did he?

More one excelent characther and concept of you!



PS. We will need more merchants ...

kudos for keeping a character this long and for ripping us all off. Though now I'm screwed and don't know where I'm going to get all those damned healing wands I always buy!

Allivarn was an awesome character, it's a shame to see him go. :(

Well played, Thomas!

Once again congrats buddy.

Let us see how team druid goes now ...

Well played Thomas! Of all the characters I have seen you shoot out, Allivarn was one that truly made a long impacting role on everyone he interacted with.

I look forward to seeing your next go! :)

Probably the best PC to grace EFU since Private Hammersmith or Seeker Mason.

No.. Where will Wakueen find a more faithful servent who else can Kyle now plot with. How can i afford the wedding now.

Planeteer Probably the best PC to grace EFU since Private Hammersmith or Seeker Mason.

You're joking...Right? :?: :!:

Of course he is. Hammersmith sucked.

Do you even know who Brandon Hammersmith was, Thomas?

The guy who pushed for Frum's Execution and was instead exiled...

Yea, I missed our You chase I escape relationship.

SkillFocuspwn Of course he is. Hammersmith sucked.

So did Mason .

Unfortunately I didn't screenie his DM ending ( Well, I did, but this comp doesn't like posting screenshots) But here's the gist of what Waukeen warded him with,

An entire cave filled with gold, a pickeaxe, and forever to mine it out and have nothing to spend it on.

It's nice to know the gods have a sense of humour.

I gave Waukeen 20k to get that one done.


One question...what was his final net worth

Dunno. Must be a lot.