Mister Fireheart,Congratulations on your new title. I do wish you the best of luck.
It would be horribly unfortunate if any trouble were to befall you, so soon after you've ascended as high as you have. Accidents such as the one that occurred just outside the Spellguard Tower are on the rise, and it would be horribly unfortunate if such things were to happen again.
Hire a neutral party to deliver 500 gold to Mur, for Captain Thorn, and I can assure you that no further harm will find you. This week, at least.
Should I not have either to gold, or word from you within 12 hours, I shall assume that you are being non-cooperative, and be forced to have your person beaten, and robbed once more. And we all remember how degrading that was.
I look forward to hearing from you.
-Captain Thorn
Your insolence is noted. As a result, we have your loved ones held captive. I suggest paying handsomely for their safe return, or they may soon be enjoying life beyond the veil, so to speak.
Five Thousand a Fireheart head would be acceptable. We've two. That's Ten Thousand, if you cannot do the math, darling. You may send it with a neutral party, or come yourself, to Mur. Either one fits excellently.
You have 12 hours, before I start sending you back body parts.
P.S. I liked the touch of the blood you used. Can you guess which loved one's blood I used for this message?
-The Dread Captain Thorn
Councilor Fireheart,
For your callous ways, and your refusal to part with your money for even the sake of your own relatives lives, you will pay.
I give you the last opportunity to pay in gold, rather than in blood. Do not consider this money for their lives, anymore. You've shown quite clearly that you do not value their lives at all, or at least not so much as you value your purse. This is an opportunity to pay for your own life. The pitiful thing which you meek out, this existence you believe matters.
Pay the ten thousand, or you will find yourself facing the wrath of the Goddess that you have so clearly misunderstood. Before then, however, you will understand the wrath of another, truer god. The Lord Hoar, as I deliver unto you the ultimate vengeance for your avarice.
You have 12 hours to pay the ten thousand, before you are slaughtered, so much similar to the last time you encountered my forces.
-The Dread Captain Thorn
I have stood against her and I might die for it, in the name of Waukeen, starve her of the precious coin we worked hard for, do not let this pirate bully you into submission. This Pirate is an anathema to the honest merchant, a terror of those who work for an honest living. My family has been kidnapped, possibly going to be sold into slavery, yet I have stood by my faith, not out of avarice, but in the contemplation of how strong she would become if she was given any more power.
In the end, I give you the blessing of Waukeen, the good, hard working merchants of Sanctuary shall prosper forever, The merchant's friend is truly the Queen of Coin, the Lady of Mercantilism, and our friend.
I hoped to allow businesses prosper while I was on the council, but I was wrong, the bureaucracy leans toward free enterprise more often than not, and I must accept this. I can only hope I survive the impending attack so I may follow through on my promise.
Councilor Allivarn Fireheart, Merchant Priest of Waukeen, the Lady of Coin.