She's dead. Here are the screenshots.
The trial that led to the repeal of the Conspiracy Law.
Shamelessly cozying up to authority.
I wish this had led somewhere. The gods, they are fickle mates.
Like an onion, the Scholar has many layers.
Finally, someone with a real offer.
Captain Gray bargains for an Agent's life.
Ordering a Spellguard Agent to Sewer Town, just for the lulz.
Waiting for the assassin to strike.
Ingrid dies like a dog.
(Let that be a lesson to anyone who was thinking about taking a job for someone with a murderous sister who makes ridiculous demands over something that has nothing to do with you whatsoever. Don't bother.
And whatever you do, don't try to find some other way to resolve it, just kill them before they get a chance to kill you. Otherwise, you might just get WTFpwned while you're coming back from a quest. No, I'm not bitter or anything.)
This is the closest Ingrid ever got to sailing by the stars.
Special thanks to the players of Aylana de Crowant, Wyric Crowshire, William Donrick, Agrael Lothor, Maia Gray, Darius Miller, Kyle Fox, Alivarn, Clara, and Edgar Fireheart, Raryn Gemcutter, Acromel Thresher, Ophelia Tideborn, Rain Thane, Aleczuberzeil de Esoterotept, Salvadora Santiago, Dakul Ironbeard, Vincent Tenn, and of course Parkus Swift.
EFUSL This character was created on Monday, January 14th at 10:31:26 PM. Since creation, this character has logged on and off 139 times. The character has spent 13 days 9 hours 20 minutes and 8 seconds online.Now, I need to get something off my chest. I've been playing at Escape from the Underdark for nearly two years now. I was originally attracted to this server because of the DM support and the playerbase. I felt like I had something to contribute to this group story-telling project, and I was enticed by the possibility of having an impact on the world.
However, when it came to doing anything that would actually change the game world, I repeatedly encountered a rather unappealing variety of apathy from DMs whose apparent function was to place obstacles in my path with no follow up whatsoever. Because of this, I was just about ready to quit two months ago. Not one to give up easily, I decided to give it one last shot, and that's when I created Ingrid Mordis.
This character was a deliberate attempt to do something difficult, different, and hopefully awesome. I put 100% effort into doing everything the DMs say they want out of a character, in the hope that I could earn a little bit of DM support. Needless to say, the results of this experiment have been disappointing.
Ingrid's bizzare and anticlimactic death is not half as infuriating as the nugatory life which preceded it. The most recent (and likely final) Captain of the Kenning Guard never once received a single job, task, request, or order from Elizabeth Kenning. She won her promotion through attrition. She was the personal agent of Kenning and Macasta and she was reduced to learning about their wishes through the agency of other people.
What do you want to bet my killer gets a reply, hmm?
I was told, after my character was already dead, that the DM who was in charge of Kenning Trades and Imports has quit playing. I find that unacceptable. I approached two different DMs about this problem, and I got alot of static and plenty of "not me," but no one took the five seconds it would have taken to inform me that I was wasting my time.
After she died, one DM asked me if I had fun playing Ingrid Mordis. I had about as much fun playing Ingrid Mordis as Charlie Brown has playing football with Lucy van Pelt.
When I went to talk to Howland about this, I was referred to this post. Frankly, I found that insulting. I had already read that post ten times before clicking the "Create Character" button for the last time. If this character did not "rock your socks off," nothing else I produce will. I'm done trying. I did everything I could to avoid Howland-Burn-Out, and for my trouble I got burned out myself.
I love the people here at EfU, but I need to take a break. There are some truly marvelous role-players here, but there just aren't enough DMs to go around for all of them, and I kept drawing the short straw. Escape from the Underdark is a crapshoot, not a meritocracy. I gave it my best shot, and I just got one raw deal after another. After two years of trying to leave some kind of a mark, I just don't have the time in my life to roll the dice here anymore.
I'm certainly going to miss this place, but I can't promise I'll be back.