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Ingrid Mordis

She's dead. Here are the screenshots.

The trial that led to the repeal of the Conspiracy Law.

Shamelessly cozying up to authority.

The rebellion is over.

I wish this had led somewhere. The gods, they are fickle mates.

Free at last.

Relaxing in the Last Stand.

Like an onion, the Scholar has many layers.

Wyric gives a speech.

Finally, someone with a real offer.

Not a word.

Captain Gray bargains for an Agent's life.

Ordering a Spellguard Agent to Sewer Town, just for the lulz.

You n00b.

Waiting for the assassin to strike.

Ingrid dies like a dog. (Let that be a lesson to anyone who was thinking about taking a job for someone with a murderous sister who makes ridiculous demands over something that has nothing to do with you whatsoever. Don't bother.

And whatever you do, don't try to find some other way to resolve it, just kill them before they get a chance to kill you. Otherwise, you might just get WTFpwned while you're coming back from a quest. No, I'm not bitter or anything.)

This is the closest Ingrid ever got to sailing by the stars.

Special thanks to the players of Aylana de Crowant, Wyric Crowshire, William Donrick, Agrael Lothor, Maia Gray, Darius Miller, Kyle Fox, Alivarn, Clara, and Edgar Fireheart, Raryn Gemcutter, Acromel Thresher, Ophelia Tideborn, Rain Thane, Aleczuberzeil de Esoterotept, Salvadora Santiago, Dakul Ironbeard, Vincent Tenn, and of course Parkus Swift.

EFUSL This character was created on Monday, January 14th at 10:31:26 PM. Since creation, this character has logged on and off 139 times. The character has spent 13 days 9 hours 20 minutes and 8 seconds online.
Now, I need to get something off my chest. I've been playing at Escape from the Underdark for nearly two years now. I was originally attracted to this server because of the DM support and the playerbase. I felt like I had something to contribute to this group story-telling project, and I was enticed by the possibility of having an impact on the world.

However, when it came to doing anything that would actually change the game world, I repeatedly encountered a rather unappealing variety of apathy from DMs whose apparent function was to place obstacles in my path with no follow up whatsoever. Because of this, I was just about ready to quit two months ago. Not one to give up easily, I decided to give it one last shot, and that's when I created Ingrid Mordis.

This character was a deliberate attempt to do something difficult, different, and hopefully awesome. I put 100% effort into doing everything the DMs say they want out of a character, in the hope that I could earn a little bit of DM support. Needless to say, the results of this experiment have been disappointing.

Ingrid's bizzare and anticlimactic death is not half as infuriating as the nugatory life which preceded it. The most recent (and likely final) Captain of the Kenning Guard never once received a single job, task, request, or order from Elizabeth Kenning. She won her promotion through attrition. She was the personal agent of Kenning and Macasta and she was reduced to learning about their wishes through the agency of other people.

What do you want to bet my killer gets a reply, hmm?

I was told, after my character was already dead, that the DM who was in charge of Kenning Trades and Imports has quit playing. I find that unacceptable. I approached two different DMs about this problem, and I got alot of static and plenty of "not me," but no one took the five seconds it would have taken to inform me that I was wasting my time.

After she died, one DM asked me if I had fun playing Ingrid Mordis. I had about as much fun playing Ingrid Mordis as Charlie Brown has playing football with Lucy van Pelt.

When I went to talk to Howland about this, I was referred to this post. Frankly, I found that insulting. I had already read that post ten times before clicking the "Create Character" button for the last time. If this character did not "rock your socks off," nothing else I produce will. I'm done trying. I did everything I could to avoid Howland-Burn-Out, and for my trouble I got burned out myself.

I love the people here at EfU, but I need to take a break. There are some truly marvelous role-players here, but there just aren't enough DMs to go around for all of them, and I kept drawing the short straw. Escape from the Underdark is a crapshoot, not a meritocracy. I gave it my best shot, and I just got one raw deal after another. After two years of trying to leave some kind of a mark, I just don't have the time in my life to roll the dice here anymore.

I'm certainly going to miss this place, but I can't promise I'll be back.

I am sorry you feel that way, Morbid_Dread. I had a lot of fun with our rivalry, and as I have said, am sorry that it ended on a sour note for you.

Best of luck in whatever you move on to, even if you do not grace EfU anymore!

Ingrid was awesome to interact with, On vincent. I miss our silent feud.

it was good times,all round. I give you full kudos for sticking with that sentence till the end.

[ramble] But I can understand your frustration. I've come to accepth te fact I get almost No DM attention, and while I strive to make intersting characters, Most of the stuff I do doesn't really need a DM, aside from PVP. So I don't mind, usually.

But I can see how being part of a DM faction, that could be upsetting. I've found, (or at least I think) They'd much rather spend their time doing thigns for people doign wild stuff like the dread crew, or app chars, as they know the concepts and they know they are pumped full of awesome.

But in my veiw, its almost to the point where you -need- to app just to get DM attantion.

But as I said, it doesn't bother me as much, I'm concent to just rock the minds of the circles my characters run with, and let it rest. [/ramble]

Just wanted to correct a pretty glaring mistake. I was in "charge" (as much as something like that can be true) of the Kenning Trades and Imports, and when I did have to quit DMing for awhile, I made sure someone else would take the mantle.

Metropakt graciously did so, and from what I hear, he never declined an NPC possession and closely watched your forum. If you'd wanted to speak with Kenning, I'm sure he'd have obliged! I'll let him respond if he so chooses, though.

I am sorry you've had a poor experience, however. I did enjoy your character, and wish I would have been able to run something for her before she died.

I am sorry to see you go! I enjoyed our interactions. Ingrid never did make Miller a sandwich...

Ingrid was very fun to Rp with 4 real.

I thought Ingrid was a great character with lots of depth, value and enjoyment. Every interaction I had with you was always interesting and fun as you made wonder and ponder the faith of Bane and how it might have some value to it.

Seriously, Ingrid was a really really great character. It's a shame she didnt get the attention she deserved, but it was one of those characters that puts you on the map in terms of your potential and fun with your creations.

I thought it was taking a common concept such as a banite and putting a -whole- new flavour to it which I really found delightful and couldnt feel anything else than helping Ingrid achieve her goals whatever they may have been. And she never had it easy, but kept going and going, and I was enjoying her a lot when she was logged on.

Too bad about letting you go... Hopefully sleep will wash away the sourness (as it always does), and you'll be back. Anyway, just to say, if you do come back and my current char is a goner, I'd love to have a joint concept with you. I got a bunch laying in the oven waiting to be cooked up nicely.

An interesting and well developed character.

A shame you feel the need to leave.

Ingrid was a cool character which I sadly never got to interact with.

You do what you have to do and good luck with it.


I toke the idea for Rain Thane when I saw the woman with the scythe in Kenning Office, and to be simple, Rain Thane had silenty passion for Ingrid Mordis, since she win Agrael Lothor in the Arena. Rain want be ever at her back and now will got drunk for many darks.

Ingrid Mordis was the best leader in combat that I saw, she first care about the crew and stroke hard with foes, and one of most charismatic character in RP at server.

The vision of merchant ships along the Dark Lake was a great concept and the plans to invade the Unseellie are gone.

We lose some faith when the stuff for Kenning's crew delays and got only a -name- on it, the DooMs Go(o)ds are always tender.

I hope the all EFU can understand what goes by.


I didn't get to interact with Ingrid as much as I wanted to but I could tell just from what few glimpses I've seen of her that you were playing her amazingly well and that she really could have gone far to do great, terrifying things.

I for one think we should martyr Ingrid like Ubel and take arms against the DMs.

I dunno.

Bye Morby Dread.

Morbid Dread There are some truly marvelous role-players here, but there just aren't enough DMs to go around for all of them, and I kept drawing the short straw.

Well I, like many players, enjoyed RP with Ingrid Mordis greatly. But I'm not a DM so I can't go dishing out XP or unusual missions. I don't think it makes Ingrid or any of the (majority of) players who RP without interacting with a DM from day to the next less worthwhile. Nor does it make DMs fat and lazy for not spending much time with us.

(they probably don't need our help to be fat and lazy anyhow :wink: )

I believe I interacted with you with my halfling bard a few times, always trying to hit on you.

Still it was fun. Wish you'd had a better experience, but don't feel bad, I've had several characters be part of factions that weren't entirely supported by DM's.

Don't feel bad, the DM's can't watch everyone!

Down with the dm's imo. Especially Calculor, I hate that guy.

As it turns out, I had very little direct interaction with Ingrid.. that being said, I witness many and many interaction between yourself and other players. Albeit, you didn't know I was there ( which is why I'm still alive ;) ) but I thought Ingrid to be a great character with a strong sense of self and background.

I'm sorry your opinion of EfU is lacking right now, but hopefully that will change as you take a break from it. When, or if, you come back I look forward to your next character.

Well, sorry you feel that way! I know I responded whenever you asked me for help, which wasn't very often.

Also, I think you may have been expecting more from the Kenning faction than was ever really there. It wasn't really a DM faction at all, more of a player faction under the guise of an NPC business.

Anyway, have fun wherever you are.

I am very sorry this ended as it did. I enjoyed every RP session with you and I am very sad to see you frustrated, also our planned joint plots going into the drainer. There is really nothing much more than a player can put into his character than you did and the return on it from the other side was way below expectations.

Roads should be two-ways but often they are just one-way. But you were on the correct side.

Ingrid was a lot of fun to play with and thanks for putting me in the screenshot (for those who didn't know Kyle and her where dead and he hit on her in the after life). I am sorry you didn't get enough support and i can understand where your coming from.

INgrid was fun-

Unfortunately Allivarn was to fat to be of much help.

Cap'n Zebulon always enjoyed hanging out with Ingrid.

You RP well and make the time spent on EFU enjoyable.

As far as DM support, I am not here for them. I am here to enjoy my time with players whether it is watching other PC's or intereacting with them. Perhaps if your goals are to get DM support to make changes in the server, then the mindset is different.

I have spent most of the time in PC factions and do not expect DM's to come out of the woodwork to make adjustments, modifications, or take over a NPC. It is always quite nice when it happens though and is fun to see changes occur.

Ingrid was awesome. I got to RP with her a little right at the start, which was fun. It bummed me out when I found out she was banished from Lower, meaning I couldn't RP with her as Zeezin anymore. I hope you do decide to come back, but if you don't good luck with whatever you end up doing.

It was pleasure of role-playing with you. Sorry to hear you had trouble enjoying the character, but I am sure there was moments you had fun too, or you had not played this far. I did enjoy the character, and like with many great characters, I was left feeling more interaction could have been done still.

I wish you the best, despite the way it may have seemed, I liked your character a whole lot, and am especially sorry that at the least you did not get a monologue.

I'm sorry I insulted you by trying to take the time to address your concerns and provide suggestions for how to better enjoy EfU. I'm even sorrier you decided to abruptly log off on me in a huge huff before I had finished saying the majority of what I was going to try to say.

I'm sorry you lost to fair PvP. It happens to everyone.

Bottom-line, this is a game. It is not worth getting upset about. The point of the game is also not to please the DMs. We are not running a Pen and Paper campaign here where we are constantly giving input, commands, plot-threads, custom quests, etc. for the playerbase. We try keep the server healthy, to maintain the integrity of the server, to address violations of rules, to monitor PvP, to build content, to create an environment where players can successfully build their own fun and stories independent of us. We also try to reward PCs and possess NPCs and run plots, but it's not really our responsibility or obligation to do that (in fact, it's not our responsibility to do jack, this is not a job for us, we are gracious hosts who are simply trying to provide a fun time for our rambunctious guests). And I will say for the record that your character got lots of NPCs possessed, had custom loot, was involved in plots, and many of your complaints could have been addressed well before this.

I am sympathetic to your concerns, and understand that it can be frustrating to lose a character regardless of the cirumstances, and certainly you are not alone in feeling that the DM team isn't as responsive as it could be (I also wish the DM team was more responsive, I'm just not willing to sacrifice my life to be the best DM I could be).

I wish you hadn't logged off on me after I took all the time to try to familiarize myself with your character and complaints, but it sounds to me like EfU is not the server for you, so I wish you the best elsewhere!

Hello every one!!

As a player these posts annoy me and make me sick.

PC's that get custom loot or "lewt" and then get some or more then their fair share of DM attention, and then get their own faction or into a DM faction, and after the character ends piss and moan about how no one paid attention to "ME!!"

I've been here since Howland said let me life to the server, and watched handful's of PC's and DM's come and go. So that's my credentials, incase anyone is going, WTF who the hell is this person!?

Have I ever been part of a faction, have I ever had custom lewt, have I ever had more then my fair share of DM attention? Hell yes I have, I loved every freaking moment of it. Even when it was my favorite character that I spent several years building. Only to have a PC or DM utterly destroy him or her.

Seeing posts like this get my blood boiling, its just a game like every DM will tell you, and what every player do their best to remember.

I'll be the first to say, I'll take Morbid's DM attention that this player got, I'll be more then happy too. After not player for a years, I could have a character raised from the dead and lead a nice attack on Sanctuary, that would be freaking hilarious, and I would do it as a mole all over again.

Before I end my rant, if you find yourself pissed off, or feeling like you aren't getting the attention you deserve. Bring up your character inventory, and if its empty talk to a DM and get involved. If you got more shit in it that you know what to do with, and your asking trusted people to hold things for you, smoke a cig have a drink and keep your whining to yourself.




I apologize before hand if this really offends anyone, and especially the DM's, you do something no one really appreciates until they get something from you.

I give it a 6.5 on the Tiralin scale. You were about a "Double fuck whallop" away from an 8, but It's probably for the best anyway that your cultivated and fair-mannered rant (because that is, what it was) was kept on a leash. You're obviously a good player, and it's always sad to see a good player lose faith. These things are overwhelmingly prevalent on any PW story server you'll ever play on. It's an inescapable part of the genre, and the only thing you can really do is search and pray for a good, steady PnP group on NwN to play with. (I still haven't been able to find one, and have been looking for ages.)

Good luck.

Howland, the last thing I said to you was,

Thank you for all that you've done I just don't have time for this anymore
To borrow your own sarcastic tone, I'm sorry you took my sincere gratitude in parting as "leaving in a huff." For my part, I felt like you were condescending to me in IRC, and I don't have time for that, either.

I respect what you have done here and I did what I could to contribute. I'm sorry if that wasn't clear, and that's no sarcasm.

EDIT: I just wanted to throw in another link to some nice music to go out by. It worked well for Donrick, it ought to do for Ingrid.

Morbid Dread There are some truly marvelous role-players here, but there just aren't enough DMs to go around for all of them, and I kept drawing the short straw.

Well I, like many players, enjoyed RP with Ingrid Mordis greatly. But I'm not a DM so I can't go dishing out XP or unusual missions. I don't think it makes Ingrid or any of the (majority of) players who RP without interacting with a DM from day to the next less worthwhile. Nor does it make DMs fat and lazy for not spending much time with us.

(they probably don't need our help to be fat and lazy anyhow :wink: )

Who can argue with this sentiment? (cos KC you are ...lazy) I'm sure that we can create our own "environment" without the need for enhancement! Rememember most of the best moments have been through discourse or difficult social situations...feel the RP love and lest we become people needing +5 swords to feel worthy let's not EXPECT DM intervention..let's welcome it when it comes. If it doesn't it should not detract from our conversations or personal plot lines.

Come back Ingrid (in another way) and enjoy the RP that is the Last Stand public house!

Everybody needs to just chill. K? Howland, chill, you're being all like, I dunno, you know. And Morby, chill man, you dead so chill.

Like, yo.

C'mon dudes.

Heres what I say!

Dont WHINE BECAUSE YOU WHERE PWNED IN PVP! You knew full well Macasta wanted you dead. The fact she sent you a letter Leave kennings or Die was Serious! Also you lost fair and square. Plenty of my chars have died when they had a huge redicolous plot going on. Infact ive had chars killed for stuff that was unrelrelated to there mastermind Plans. Hrug had alot of plans but got in trouble doing something that wasnt close to his plans.

Infact Once one of my chars that I apped for had plans. Trag Sharkslayer had plans but died on the first Day! (that bugbear stuck on a pike in the allys) Grogdish the Gray Orc Who was ambsushed by his entire party he was helping.

This is just a few of some of my chars that have died having plans. I mean you took the risk of dieing the instant you left the Gates! When The Underdark is a Dangerouse Dangerouse Dangerous PLACE! I wish Dms would emphasize it more! Spawn Drow or other slavers and have them ambush Pcs who go about traveling alone to Mur.

I mean the key to this Server is SURVIVAL! Especially when you know full well a band of evil people are after you! You could just stay in Sanctuary with full Watchmen Npcs that pwn anyone who attacks you! Sorry you died Ingrid But you cant blame Dms!

Ive played on this server and am addicted to it and have playered here for a long time. I admit it there are some Dms that I originally thought where mean people who hated me.

Here is a list of Dms that at First I hated but then realised they where prety cool when I spent time Here.

1 Labrea 2 Howland 3 The Beggar

I used to think these guys where out to get me when I first Started playing. Then I realised Howland formed this joint is really cool and badass.

Labrea Played a badass char is super cool um is fun to rp with when he controls stuff

The Beggar Hes pretty cool to I learned he didnt hate me.

Infact I wouldnt be the legendary Rper and Apper I am today without the DMS!

For god sakes I lost Imrik Dy'ness to Dr Dragon in fair PvP. You'll get over it like I did. ;)

Later, man.

Everyone loses in PvP from time to time, dudebros. : D

Docter, you are the living end.

Morbid, good luck, wherever you go!

Um folks, I have died in PvP plenty of times. I've been playing here for as long as anyone; I know the PvP rules. I would appreciate if you would can it with the 'sore loser' trope, because that is not what I said.

What I take issue with is the fact that I got railroaded into a DM-created conflict because I was a faction leader, all while getting little to no DM support for being in the faction. We couldn't get anywhere near our goals, and we certainly tried.

I put alot of work into trying to make things fun for others in that faction. Anyone who got paid in that faction got paid out of my pocket. We spent a month waiting for uniforms and we got -- wait for it -- miners helms. I'm first in command of the company, the owner's sister is trying to kill me, and I can't even get either one of them to simply speak to me in person.

It wasn't fun for me because of that, and if this is how player factions work, it stinks. That is my true feeling on the matter, and I don't think I'm out of bounds for expressing it.

Player factions don't suck at all! Just remember that they're that, player factions. The DMs have their hands full taking care of the DM factions, subraces, prestige classes, and all the other things that DMs take care of!

DMs do make the environment, as well the general game far more entertaining and interesting. Just keep in mind though, there's about five or six active DMs, and an entire community of players that they're trying to keep happy. DMing isn't a job, as they have all probably said at some point, and the DM team are graciously sacrificing their time and effort to keep this community of players entertained, but they can't be doing everything at once.

Also, lovethesuit, your avatar gives my inner child nightmares.

As I said before, maybe if exist an exchange currency "spice", then players factions can be allowed exist, register and buy "code" with it, I think that DMs time and work can be more funny for all.

I was been in EFU about 2 years, got PvP with perma death 2 times, Its not about characters die.

Its not like a football game, the DMs owns the ball and the camp at same time ever, but who owns the Whistle ?

who guard the guardians and get some beer for they ? US.


Hey Morbid Dread, just wanted to say I enjoyed playing with you quite a bit. I play Vind Seliadin. Hell, you gave me my first enchanted bow... And you didn't give me crap for calling you by your first name after you introduced yourself as "Mordis", something I screw up continuously with people....

Thanks for the good times.


I play Breena and and really enjoyed the pleasant relationship our characters had, although she knew Ingrid was evil and was very cautious about her. It made Breena strongly consider how she reacted to people that resonated evil vibes, and she has sprinkled in temperance with her dealings with other evil characters as a result.

Obviously Ingrid had a big impact on lots of characters, and by that definition was a big success! I've been frustrated at times about some of the issues you've raised, but I've come to realize that the reality of limited DMs/DM time available - and the time of the day you play really limits what can and can't be done.

I don't know if this has been brought up in IRC or in a thread when it happened, but the same thing happened with the Blade Tribe DM faction. It was so freaking awesome in the beginning, and then as characters died and Howland took a break/leave of absence it completely dwindled to nothing. Other DMs would respond to my possession requests with "I don't know, that's Howland's area", and he wasn't there. It was very disappointing to say the least.

I'd put tons of time into the faction, and worked hard to earn whatever perks might come my way. Andrei the Bard put 18K of gold into the faction coffers in about one month, when it was stated ICly that earning coin for the Tribe would gain you ranks and honors.

Quite a while after the faction folded, I realized that the best part of that faction was the stunning RP. The bitchy and bossy female member that bullied everyone, Carl making stew for visitors around the fire, the hulking yet honorable half-orc warrior, the goblin and kobold played so well, little Ileana swinging a halberd to end the life of her fellow tribe member and sparing him a stoning in the cage - then getting beat down by Fawkes, and the awesome RP I always had with Mort's half-orc bard Nar'ghuul who summoned hurtful spirits instead of "singing" curse song, and had a ghost teach Andrei how to craft wands.

Some of my best memories on EfU.

I now am more grateful to Howland for creating these opportunities for me to have fun with these characters, then I am sad that it turned into nothing.

Play for the RP, and the joy of players sending "Hey, what's up?" Tells when you log your character on. I've finally been to deal with chararcter death without getting pissed, and realized that any DM attention I get is a fortunate thing, and try not to gripe (too much) when I need things done that require DM attention.

Finally, this is a PvP with RP server. That's the way it is. I've engaged in some absolutely stunning RP and have no idea if DMs are aware of it, but building up conflicts and PvP is what the DMs pay the most attention to. If you don't make a character that PvP's and stirs the pot - they aren't going to get a lot of perks unless they interest one of more DMs for some unique reason.

Morbid, Ingrid was a great character and I appreciate the impact you had on the server and my character.

Ingrid was fun to joke with. We had a nice, albeit totally petty, little rivalry going on there and it was glorious.

I just typed up a long, drawn out appeal to both sides about who deserves what, why party A feels they deserves that, why party B is obligated to this, why party A is obligated to this... blah blah. But I deleted it, to simply remind one thing, and something that I love EfU for.

Escape from the Underdark. Sometimes we lose focus of the gravity of that last term. Underdark. We could only be in a worse, more terrible setting if we played "Escape from the Nine Layers of Hell". We're not playing in a world with shiny knights, powerful heros (unless we're speaking in relative terms), and good and evil dragons and gods looming over everything. We are playing, in essence, a Film Noir movie in a videogame. Sometimes though, we lose sight of that- or at least I know that I do. I expect good things to happen from lots of good efforts... but that's not EfU, Sanctuary, or the Underdark.

Good things happen, every now and then. You win some small gain (an awesome quest! a (un)holy sword!) or you could even escape from the Underdark and return to a normal life on the surface (this is the one exception I can find to my point). But that's only part of the story... because it's the Underdark. We're not playing a comedy. EfU is about roleplaying a tragedy.

Ingrid Mordis, faithful servant of the imperious and wicked Bane, through dedicated service to the wealthy and her patron god, strives and works to achieve something big, something REAL... but in the end, it never happens and despite her efforts Ingrid finds a bitter and sad end over a conflict she had so little to do with...

EfU is the ongoing creation of an epic tragedy, and THAT is a tragic story worthy of remembrance. Even though you don't think so and regardless of not satisfying your personal goals/desires, Ingrid was a successful character, and a successful addition to the story. Thank you for that.

Oldtroll is old

Srsly by know you all should know the routine:

if you want to bitch about dms bitch about dms via:

go breathe air watch some spring training baseball *go rays* and come back down the road.

Also, I read your forum daily and never saw you request anything from the NPCs except uniforms, which, unless I'm completely insane, you got a custom chest full of three distinct varieties of. All you got was -miners helms-? It's fine to feel sorry for yourself but when it crosses into fibbing about things to support your point, it's probably time to go.

It's also sad that all the DMs liked you and did their best to help whenever they could, and now you've probably created a self-fulfilling prophecy!