Dragonfire reminded me that most people here read webcomics. So, I'm curious, what web comics do people read?
I read: Megatokyo Order of the Stick Gunnerkrigg Court xkcd Flaky Pastry The Perry Bible Fellowship
So, What does everyone else read?
Dragonfire reminded me that most people here read webcomics. So, I'm curious, what web comics do people read?
I read: Megatokyo Order of the Stick Gunnerkrigg Court xkcd Flaky Pastry The Perry Bible Fellowship
So, What does everyone else read?
Or as I like to call it - The Adventures of Bun Bun. :twisted:
You're such a weeaboo, Clucky.
Real Comics > Web Comics
Ninelives is a queer.
Ctrl+Alt+Del (AKA CAD-Comic) Order of the Stick 8-Bit Theartre Sluggy Freelance Dr. McNinja VG Cats
http://www.irregularwebcomic.net/darthsanddroids/ http://www.holybibble.net/ http://www.lfgcomic.com/ http://feartheboot.libsyn.com/ http://www.commissionedcomic.com/ http://www.elfonlyinn.net/
explosm.net <- Cyanide and happiness. Epic comic.
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal. Also epic.
Links are for poor people. Use google, bitches!