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Dragonfire reminded me that most people here read webcomics. So, I'm curious, what web comics do people read?

I read: Megatokyo Order of the Stick Gunnerkrigg Court xkcd Flaky Pastry The Perry Bible Fellowship

So, What does everyone else read?

You've already named most of mine, but:

Dr McNinja Penny Arcade VG Cats

Amongst others.

Sluggy Freelance!!!

Or as I like to call it - The Adventures of Bun Bun. :twisted:

You're such a weeaboo, Clucky.

Real Comics > Web Comics


Ninelives is a queer.

Ctrl+Alt+Del (AKA CAD-Comic) Order of the Stick 8-Bit Theartre Sluggy Freelance Dr. McNinja VG Cats

http://www.irregularwebcomic.net/darthsanddroids/ http://www.holybibble.net/ http://www.lfgcomic.com/ http://feartheboot.libsyn.com/ http://www.commissionedcomic.com/ http://www.elfonlyinn.net/

explosm.net <- Cyanide and happiness. Epic comic.

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal. Also epic.

Links are for poor people. Use google, bitches!