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Watch Brutality( posted at the last stand and the town hall)

The other Dark there Between the town hall and the last stand there was an Incident, Of a guardsman Harassing an Elf. The elf was dragged off to the stocks even though he had done nothing wrong. If You were there and saw this outrageous act of watch brutality, against a innocent Citizen Please write to me at the last stand with your name so I can compile a list of witnesses. as the Watch are doing nothing about this. The citizens Of sanctuary will not stand for our watchmen thinking that they are above the law .

Bright Eyes

Sanctuary Watch, Corporal quickly removes the notice in the Last Stand, as does Lieutenant Reynolds with the one in the Town Hall.

Within 3 hours of the watch removing the origional posters both upper and lower are flooded with this poster

[Agent Miller orders the patrolling Watchmen to take the posters down and arrest anyone that puts them up again]

( Bright Eyes watches the watch remove his posters and laughs quietly to himself)

//OOC: If you're going to do this, please do it IC, please get a DM if you're going to post posters that would be controversial in regards to NPCs such as The Watch, and please, please, please don't make irrelevant emote posts in Notice threads.