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Letter to the Watch, marked 'To the High Chief'


I have reason to believe an apprentice Fireguard in the near-employ of the Family Fireheart is being mistreated by a junior officer of the watch named McDougal. I have no complaint with the Watch pursuing its vigilance about the town, but not when our retinue, a certain elf 'Foundling' is abused. The House of Fireheart prides itself on only employing those of impeccable credentials.

I do hope this was simply Officer McDougal having a bad day, or perhaps suffering from indigestion after a large lunch (I am not opposed to his fatness - in fact my Uncle suffers from being differently proportioned).

Yours in confidence

Miss C Fireheart House of Fireheart

The letter gathers dust on Azzam's desk, never seen or responded to by him.